Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Mariia Kozlovska

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Mariia Kozlovska
8 months ago

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Mariia Kozlovska

We’re delighted to introduce Mariia Kozlovska - the latest winner of our monthly Early Career Scientist Grant! Each month we’re proud to award one lucky PhD or postdoc researcher with a $500 grant to help support their career development and research.

Mariia is a researcher working at the Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, and she will use the grant to help fund the purchase of reagents and biochemicals needed for her research on hypoxia.

We asked Mariia how she felt about receiving the award, and she told us:

I am very grateful to receive this grant from Hello Bio! This is very valuable support for a young scientist at the beginning of his or her career. I am going to use the funds received from the grant to buy the necessary reagents for my research and publish the results in professional journals. It is very important for me to share my findings and make a contribution to science. Mariia Kozlovska, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Hello Bio Early Career Scientist Grant winner


Congratulations Mariia! First, can you tell us a bit more about your current research work?

The metabolic syndrome is becoming increasingly common and, without appropriate treatment, significantly increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. My scientific work is related to the study of the mechanisms of insulin resistance in the myocardium under the influence of hypoxia and their correction. These studies will provide new theoretical information about the features of the comorbid course of dysmetabolic and hypoxic disorders, develop approaches to the methods of correction and prevention of diseases associated with metabolic syndrome and mitochondrial dysfunction. 


What excites you most about your field of research?

I like learning something new all the time, being at the centre of discoveries, putting them into practice and being happy when they benefit someone.


Which scientists working today do you most admire, and why?

There are many outstanding scientists in the world today who deserve to be honoured. But among those whom I know personally, I would like to single out my scientific advisor, DM Portnychenko A.G., who is a role model for me. I also admire Peter John Ratcliffe, a British medical scientist and molecular biologist, a specialist in oxygen sensing and hypoxia. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, along with William Kaelin and Gregg Semenza, "for their discoveries of how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability" in 2019.


What do you think are the biggest challenges currently facing life scientists and their work?

Unfortunately, there is no stable funding in the scientific field. Not all scientists have the opportunity to win grants due to the lack of implementation of modern research methods, equipment, availability of reagents and quality publications in prestigious journals. All this requires financial costs and creates a closed circle. This problem is especially difficult for young scientists, who are often faced with a choice whether to stay in the field or change it.


And finally… what’s your favourite science quote?

Scientists are people who can fly without wings.


Thank you so much Mariia! We wish you all the very best with your future research projects!

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