Apply for an Early Career Scientist Grant - it's quick and easy!

Apply for an Early Career Scientist Grant - it's quick and easy!
5 years ago

Apply for an Early Career Scientist Grant - it's quick and easy!

Here at Hello Bio we are trying to support scientists in as many ways as we can:

  • With our biochemicals and reagents that are around half the price of most other suppliers,
  • With lots of resources on the Hello Bio Blog to help you with paper writing, dissertation advice, PhD help, wellbeing, presentations & so much more
  • With the annual Lab HeroesTM awards, where we recognise the unsung heroes of the scientific research world.

We are now delighted to announce that every month we will carry out a draw and award a grant of $500 to an early career life scientist to support them with their scientific career. The grant is really flexible and can be used for anything that will help your scientific career - examples could be:

  • Fees associated with publishing in open access journals (eg. Article Processing Charges).
  • Virtual conference registration fees
  • Conference travel expenses
  • Or anything else to help support your research & career!

There are just 3 simple requirements:

  1. You need to be a current life science post-graduate or post-doctoral researcher, and you must have received your highest degree (BSc, MSc or PhD) within the past 10 years
  2. You must provide a description of what the money will be used for
  3. And after you have submitted your application, we will need a short statement from your supervisor / PI to confirm your application.

Assuming that the above requirements are met, your application will be entered into a draw and the winner will be selected at random. We will post details of the winners on our website.

It's super quick and easy to apply - just click on the button below:


Terms and Conditions

  • One Early Career Scientist Grant award will be allocated every month.
  • A draw will be made on the first Thursday of each month. Anyone who has submitted an eligible application in the month prior to the draw will be included.
  • You may only enter one application per month.
  • You may enter each month but to be fair to all - if you win an award, you will not be eligible to enter again for a period of 12 months.
  • Winners will be notified immediately and announced monthly.
  • Winners must respond to our communication within 4 working days or the grant will be offered to another entrant.
  • If winners intend to use the grant for publishing or presenting, we ask that you acknowledge Hello Bio's financial support on your poster, or in your paper, and to please send us a copy upon publication.
  • As is usual with these sorts of things - we do reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time.Good luck!



If you enjoyed this article, why not check out the other resources available on our blog. We are passionate about supporting life scientists, early career life scientists and PhD students - with really low- priced reagents and biochemicals, early career scientist grants, and resources to help with both personal and professional development. We know how tough it is - so we hope you find these helpful!

Advice & guidance for life scientists

Click below to view our essential guides and articles to support life scientists, PhD students & early career life scientists:

Guides for Life Scientists

Help with oral, written and poster scientific presentations


Advice and guidance for life scientists


Wellbeing for scientists

Click below for our resources to help improve your wellbeing:

Wellbeing for scientists


Technical resources

Try our Molarity Calculator: a quick and easy way to calculate the mass, volume or concentration required for making a solution.

Molarity Calculator

Try our Dilution Calculator: an easy way to work out how to dilute stock solutions of known concentrationsDilution Calculator
And - when you get to the stage of planning your experiments, don't forget that we offer a range of agonists, antagonists, inhibitors, activators, antibodies and fluorescent tools at up to half the price of other suppliers - click below to see how we compare with other suppliers:

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