Guest Posts

The Art of Mentorship: A Scientist’s Perspective

The Art of Mentorship: A Scientist’s Perspective

The advice and support a trusted mentor gives can be crucial in the career development of a life scientist. In this guest blog, experienced mentor Dr Nicoleta Nedelcu shares her unique thoughts on the art of mentoring and the qualities needed to be an effective supervisor.

Creating Co-Labb: My Route from Research to Writing

Creating Co-Labb: My Route from Research to Writing

From a PhD in stem cell biology to the creation of a medical writing agency, Dr Dan Sheridan has had a fascinating career path as a scientist. In this inspiring guest blog, he shares the story of his company Co-Labb, and why he recommends writing as a rewarding career option for life science researchers…

10 Tips for Picking Your Perfect Postdoc Position

10 Tips for Picking Your Perfect Postdoc Position

Choosing the right postdoc position can be a pivotal step in your science career, so how can you identify which opportunity will be the best option for you? In this guest article, Dr Elodie Chabrol shares ten useful tips to help you pick the perfect postdoc role to set you up for long-term success in STEM!

Creating a More Inclusive Future for Disabled Scientists

Creating a More Inclusive Future for Disabled Scientists

In the world of STEM research, disabled scientists are hugely underrepresented within the workforce. In this guest blog, PhD student Aurelia Valente considers some of the factors that can deter disabled people from pursuing science careers, and the simple accommodations that could make STEM more inclusive for all.

Inspiring Science Stories: Brotherhood, Bravery & Brain Tumour Research

Inspiring Science Stories: Brotherhood, Bravery & Brain Tumour Research

PhD candidate George Michalopoulos was inspired to pursue a career in Glioblastoma research after watching his younger brother go through a brain tumour diagnosis. In this article, he tells his inspiring story and shares his hopes for the future of brain cancer research…

How to Manage Stress & Anxiety in the Lab

How to Manage Stress & Anxiety in the Lab

The intensity of research work brings with it a unique set of pressures, and sometimes the mental health of a working scientist can be stretched to the point of burnout. In this new article Dr Noelia Dominguez Falcon explains why it’s important to share our personal experiences, and offers practical tips for managing stress and anxiety in the lab.

Beyond the Manuscript: Maximizing Impact through Diverse Writing Outlets

Beyond the Manuscript: Maximizing Impact through Diverse Writing Outlets

Sharing your work through scientific papers is vital for your career progression, but how can you reach wider audiences with your written work? In this article, Dr Bronwen Martin shares advice on maximizing the impact of your science writing through publication in alternative outlets such as social media, blogs, magazines, and more!

Crafting a Statement of Purpose for Funding Applications

Crafting a Statement of Purpose for Funding Applications

Applying for science funding requires a huge amount of preparation, and something often overlooked is the importance of a strong statement of purpose. In this remarkable new article, Dr. Jazmine I. Benjamin shares valuable advice for crafting a solid personal statement that will make your STEM funding application stand out!

Mastering Networking for Science: How To Boost Your Profile

Mastering Networking for Science: How To Boost Your Profile

Whether you’re at an in-person event or making new contacts online, being able to network with confidence is an essential skill that all life scientists should master. In this helpful article, science communicator Dr Elodie Chabrol shares practical advice on making valuable connections and building a professional online profile in the world of STEM.

The Importance of a Good Support System During Your PhD

The Importance of a Good Support System During Your PhD

A good support system is essential when facing the rigorous challenges of a life science PhD. In this great new guest blog, Dr Amber Jones of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, USA, shares her gratitude for the support she received on her PhD journey, and the value of meaningful mentoring.