Conference season is about to begin, and we’re shining a spotlight on some of the best cell biology events coming up in 2025! If you’re a researcher specialising in cell biology, why not add some of these exciting events to your diary, and prepare to be inspired by the latest developments in epigenetics, gene therapy, tissue engineering & more!
It’s time to meet another of our Lab Heroes Awards Highly Commended nominees for 2024! Cayvenne Joseph ‘CJ’ Carag is a Research Assistant at the Hellenic Pasteur Institute in Greece. She was nominated for her creativity and positive attitude, and we spoke to her about her passion for public engagement in STEM!
We’re proud to be celebrating a significant milestone in our support for life scientists. Last month, we selected the 50th winner of our monthly Early Career Scientist Grant, and we’ve taken a moment to reflect on the impact the award has made while catching up with some of our previous winners to find out how their careers have progressed!
It’s time to introduce the latest winner of our monthly Early Career Scientist Grant! Jennifer Monereo Sánchez is a postdoc from Madrid, Spain, who will use her $500 grant to attend the 2025 AAIC in Toronto, Canada! Find out more about Jennifer and our monthly grant…
It’s time for a new installment of our Interviews with Scientists series, and we were lucky enough to speak with Professor Arun Shukla of the IIT Kanpur, India! We were keen to talk to Arun about his career, his research focus, his passion for mentoring and the importance of effective leadership in the lab!
It’s time to meet another of our Lab Heroes Awards Highly Commended nominees for 2024! Aalok Varma is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, San Diego, who was nominated for his advocacy for inclusion, fairness, and gender equity in STEM. We spoke to Aalok to find out more about his career, his research & his thoughts on inclusion in science.
If you’re presenting a poster at a science conference this year, you’ll want to showcase your best work… and maybe even take home the ‘Best Poster’ prize! So what does it take to design, produce, and present an award-winning poster? We asked three previous prize-winners to share their top tips for success!
Who is your greatest role model in science? It’s a question we’ve asked many female scientists on our blog, and it’s always heart-warming when they name another woman as their greatest inspiration! We’ve put together this great collection of celebrated female researchers - as chosen by other women in STEM!
Congratulations to Víctor Álvaro Sánchez - the latest winner of our monthly Early Career Scientist Grant! Victor is a PhD student who will use his $500 grant to attend this year’s SENC Congress. Read more about Victor in this great new interview…
It’s time to meet our Lab Heroes Awards winner for 2024! Jacky Liang of the University of Ottawa was chosen by our judges as the overall winner, and in this great interview we learned more about his daily lab work, his thoughts on empowerment in STEM, and how he plans to spend his prize vouchers and grant!