Ten Cell Biology Conferences to Attend in 2025
Conference season is about to begin, and meetings and symposia are a great way for scientists to make professional connections and learn about the latest developments in their chosen field. If you’re a life scientist working in cell biology, there are some fantastic events coming up in 2025 that could be very valuable for your career development!
Whether your specialism is epigenetics, gene therapy, tissue engineering, or regenerative medicine, there are plenty of upcoming opportunities to listen to expert speakers, make new contacts, and forge exciting collaborations with others in your field.
We’ve already featured Ten Neuroscience Conferences to Attend in 2025 on our blog, but now we’re focusing on the best and most innovative cell biology conferences for life science professionals around the world.
So why not add some of these great events to your 2025 diary, and be inspired by the latest developments in cell biology research! Check out our list of Ten Cell Biology Conferences You Should Attend in 2025!
1. Symposium on World Cell and Molecular Biology 2025
When: 24-26 March 2025
Where: Kyoto, Japan
The 3rd SWCMB hybrid symposium takes place in Kyoto, Japan, later this month and includes a 3-day scientific program of guest speakers, a poster exhibition, and 15 breakout streams. Topics covered will include Genetics & Genomics, DNA & RNA Research, Epigenetics & Chromatin, Biochemistry and more.
Guest speakers at the event include: Dr Thomas Iftner of the University Hospital Tuebingen, Germany, Dr Bo Liu of the University of Wisconsin, Dr Ihn Sik Seong of Harvard Medical School, USA, and many more experts in the field of cell biology.
Find out more: https://swcmb2025.lmsii.org/
2. Biologists @ 100 conference
Hosts: The Company of Biologists
When: 24-27 March 2025
Where: Liverpool, UK
To celebrate their 100th anniversary, The Company of Biologists will host the Biologists @ 100 conference in Liverpool, UK, at the end of March. To mark their centenary year of supporting and inspiring the biological community, they aim to deliver an inclusive event offering a diverse range of talks on developmental biology, cell biology, comparative animal physiology, and disease biology.
The four-day event will include guest speakers, early-career researcher sessions, panel discussions, posters and exhibitions, as well as a gala dinner at St George’s Hall. An introductory lecture will be delivered by Professor Sanjay P Sane of the National Center for Biological Sciences in India.
Organisers expect to welcome more than 500 attendees to this year’s conference, with a variety of networking opportunities available throughout the event.
Find out more: https://100yearsconference.biologists.com/
3. Annual International Conference on Molecular and Cell Biology
Hosts: Synergia Summits
When: 14-16 April 2025
Where: Prague, Czech Republic
The three-day AICMCB2025 conference will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, in April this year and aims to provide a unique forum for researchers to discuss the latest developments in the field of molecular and cell biology.
Attendees will have the chance to meet and interact with leading scientists and learn about the cutting-edge research and breakthrough developments that are shaping the future of molecular biology research.
Keynote speakers include Professor Teresa Pellegrino of the Italian Institute of Technology, who will speak on the topic of ‘Magnetic Nanoparticle-based platforms to treat cancer and awake the immune system’, Dr Glenn McConkey of the University of Leeds, UK, who will discuss ‘Epigenetic and transcriptional signalling in the brain’, and Professor Lars Larsson of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, who will speak on ‘Experimental and clinical studies of Critical Illness Myopathy’.
Find out more: https://aicmcb2025.synergiasummits.com/
4. Cell and Experimental Biology (CEB-2025)
Hosts: United Scientific Group
When: 23-25 April 2025
Where: Houston, Texas, USA
The 6th International Conference on Cell and Experimental Biology will take place in Houston, Texas, USA, in April this year, and aims to build on the success of previous years by offering another great platform for knowledge exchange. The event will bring together influential speakers, pioneers and panelists to discuss the very latest developments in the fields of biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, pharmacology, physiology and pathology.
Scientific sessions will cover topics such as Synthetic Biology, Cellular & Gene Therapy, Cell Signaling and Cancer Biology, and Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, with a number of distinguished keynote speakers including Illana Gozes of Tel Aviv University, Israel, Wen-Xing Ding of the University of Kansas Medical Center, and Celeste M. Nelson of Princeton University.
Mid-term registration discounts are available until 20th March, with final registration closing on 23rd April 2025.
Find out more: https://cellexpbiol.unitedscientificgroup.org/
5. Cell Science Connect 2025
When: 24-26 April 2025
Where: Rome, Italy
Also taking place in late April this year is the International Connect on Cell Science and Molecular Biology. This three-day event in Rome, Italy, will bring together seasoned researchers, industry leaders and aspiring scientists to discuss the latest cutting-edge research and emerging trends in cell science and molecular biology.
Sessions will include discussions on Gene Editing Technologies, Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, CRISPR/Cas9 Technology, Epigenetics, Cellular Senescence and Aging, and more. Plenary speakers include Larry Forman of CHO Plus, USA, and Paulo C De Morais of the Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil.
Discount registration rates are now closed, but general registration stays open until 24th April 2025.
Find out more: https://cellscienceconnect.org/
6. Cell Science & Molecular Biology
Hosts: Mindspace Conferences
When: 9-11 June 2025
Where: Paris, France
The 2nd International Conference on Cell Science & Molecular Biology will be held in Paris, France, from 9-11 June 2025. This groundbreaking event aims to cover a comprehensive range of research topics including cell biology, genetic engineering, immunology, bioinformatics, and more. Activities will include keynote speakers, plenary sessions, technical discussions, posters, workshop sessions and networking opportunities.
Dr Mandana Barkeshli of the USCI University in Malaysia will deliver a keynote speech, and scientific sessions will include discussions on Mitochondrial Function and Dysfunction, Cell Death and Survival Mechanisms, Cancer Cell Biology, Organelle Biogenesis and Dynamics, and more.
Early bird registration is now closed, but group discounts are available, with the next round of registration open until 26th March.
Find out more: https://mindspaceconferences.com/cellscience/
7. Tissue & Cell Engineering Society Conference 2025
Hosts: Tissue & Cell Engineering Society
When: 18-20 June 2025
Where: Bristol, UK
The Tissue & Cell Engineering Society will host their three-day event in Bristol, UK in June. Featuring cutting-edge science from keynote speakers, as well as opportunities for early career researchers to present posters and give podium presentations, the event will cover four themes - in vitro tissues models, clinical tissue engineering, advanced biomaterials, and enabling technologies.
Attendees will have the chance to watch technical demos, take part in ‘meet-the-mentor’ sessions, and attend networking events. Keynote speakers include Professor Marcy Zenobi-Wong, Professor Alvaro Mata, Dr Sam Moxon, Professor Vivian Li, and Professor Massimo Caputo.
The full program of activities will be released on 12th May, with registration closing on 15th May.
Find out more: https://tces2025.co.uk/
8. FEBS 2025
Hosts: Federation of European Biochemical Societies
When: 5-9 July 2025
Where: Istanbul, Turkey
The 49th FEBS Congress, hosted by the Federation of European Biochemical Societies in association with the Turkish Biochemical Society, is a cross-discipline gathering in the molecular life sciences. With a huge five-day programme of activities, the event promises an exciting, cutting-edge and wide-ranging speaker line-up, plus plenary lectures, symposia on current life science topics, and special educational sessions.
Among the featured plenaries are the FEBS Datta Lecture, presented by Mübeccel Akdis, the IUBMB Jubilee Award Lecture by Anne Bertolotti, and the FEBS/EMBO Women in Science Award Lecture by Asifa Akhtar.
The congress will be held in Istanbul, Turkey, in early July, and will include social activities, networking opportunities, and a congress dinner.
Find out more: https://2025.febscongress.org/
9. International Conference on Cell Biology & Internal Cellular Structures 2025
Hosts: Institute for Scientific and Engineering Research
When: 8-9 July 2025
Where: Granada, Spain
The Institute for Scientific and Engineering Research will host the ICCBICS-25 in Granada, Spain, in July. This two-day event will bring leading scientists, academics, industry professionals, and experts together for informative discussions highlighting trends, strategies, achievements and solutions from the world of cell biology research.
The agenda will include an opening ceremony, keynote speakers, discussion sessions, Q&As and poster/video presentations. Virtual ticket options mean that the event is accessible to all, and the deadline for registration is 23rd June 2025.
Find out more: https://iser.org.in/conf/index.php?id=2998461&source=ISER
10. Cell Bio 2025
Hosts: ASCB and EMBO
When: 6-10 December 2025
Where: Philadelphia, USA
The year’s joint meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) and the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) takes place in Philadelphia, USA, in early December. Cell Bio 25 offers a varied program which aims to bring together researchers, educators and innovators for networking, exploring cutting-edge techniques and sharing the latest discoveries in cell biology.
Thousands of attendees are expected at this popular event, with the full program yet to be released but expected to include career-building workshops, keynote speeches, symposia and much more.
Early registration closes on 30th September 2025.
Find out more: https://www.ascb.org/cellbio2025/
Preparing for science conferences
If you're attending or speaking at your first science conference this year, we've got some great tips to help you make sure it all goes smoothly. Take a look at these other great resources on the Hello Bio blog:
- Tips for Oral Presentations at Scientific Meetings and Conferences
- Tips for Poster Presentations at Scientific Meetings and Conferences
- The Life Scientists’ Guide to Presenting at Conferences
- Conference Checklist: 10 Must-Dos at Science Conferences
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