Novel water-soluble, potent DREADD ligands, licensed from the NIH

Novel water-soluble, potent DREADD ligands, licensed from the NIH
7 years ago

Novel water-soluble, potent DREADD ligands, licensed from the NIH

We are delighted to announce that we have launched two novel water-soluble hM3Dq & hM4Di ligands – JHU37160 dihydrochloride and JHU37152 dihydrochloride. These are exciting tools for scientists studying GPCR and DREADD signalling. Hello Bio has been granted a licence from the National Institutes of Health to manufacture these novel tools and make them commercially available for the first time to life scientists worldwide.

Novel DREADD ligands, active in vivo - brought to you first by Hello Bio

JHU37160 dihydrochloride and JHU37152 dihydrochloride are novel DREADD ligands with high potency and affinity for hM3Dq and hM4Di DREADDs. They are also active in vivo.

These novel tools are brought to you first by Hello Bio. Our expert chemists have manufactured them at high purity (>98%) and have made them available as both the water-soluble dihydrochloride salts, and freebase forms. They are sold under licence from the NIH (US Patent Pending 62/627,527).

A unique range of DREADD ligands

These new tools join Hello Bio’s unique range of DREADD ligands which includes: clozapine N-oxide dihydrochloride (water soluble), DREADD agonist 21 (Compound 21) dihydrochloride (water-soluble) and perlapine dihydrochloride (water-soluble). View the full range of DREADDs ligands from Hello Bio or for more information see our DREADDs mini-review.

We hope that JHU37160 and JHU37152 will contribute to further pushing this exciting field of research forwards!

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