Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Caroline S. Taylor

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Caroline S. Taylor
10 months ago

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Caroline S. Taylor

We’re pleased to introduce Dr Caroline S. Taylor, the latest winner of our Early Career Scientist Grant! Each month we award $500 to one lucky life science PhD or postdoc, and we spoke to our latest recipient to find out more about her research career so far.

Caroline is a postdoc working in the Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Group at the University of Sheffield, UK. She recently received the Larry Hench Young Investigators Award from the United Kingdom Society for Biomaterials in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the field of biomaterials research.

She will use the Hello Bio grant to help fund her attendance at the GW4 Brain Tissue Engineering Conference in Bristol on the 20th-21st November 2023.

When we asked Caroline how she felt about receiving the award, she told us:

I am absolutely delighted to win the Hello Bio Early Career Scientist award. The grant allows me to attend a workshop on a new area of tissue engineering for me to explore, and form new collaborations and connections. I am really happy to travel to Bristol and connect with fellow nerve enthusiasts. Caroline S. Taylor, University of Sheffield, UK, Hello Bio Early Career Scientist Grant winner


Congratulations Caroline! First, can you tell us a bit more about what you're working on at the moment?

My research focuses on treating nerve injuries, those of the peripheral nervous system, using materials and tissue engineering approaches. Using materials, cells, and growth factors, we want to produce tissue engineered nerve tissue we can use to treat large nerve gap injuries and restore quality of life to nerve injury patients.


What is it about your field of research that gets you most excited?

Treating nerve injuries is complicated, and the fact that one day my research could contribute to improving someone’s quality of life is really exciting. I’ve always wanted a career in which I can help people and make people better.


Which scientists working today do you most admire, and why?

I have been fortunate to work with some incredible scientists who have shaped my career and made me the scientist I am today. Working with my PhD supervisor, Professor John Haycock, was a huge honour for me, who is a pioneer in peripheral nerve repair. I admire his work ethic, his ability to make time for his students, and the fact he is the nicest person. I also admire many women academics in my field who have demonstrated you can have a family as well as a very successful career, in particular Professor Sheila MacNeil and Professor Ipsita Roy, who I am fortunate to call mentors at The University of Sheffield. They have given me the confidence that I can be a kickass scientist as well as a brilliant mum to my 2-year-old son Jacob.


What do you think are the biggest challenges currently facing life scientists and their work?

I think funding opportunities are the biggest challenge in science. It is so competitive nowadays to pull in research funding which has been made harder because of Brexit. It is so important that we collaborate, with other UK universities, and those overseas, as that is how we can solve many of the global challenges that are arising today.


And finally… what’s your favourite science joke?

As a nerve nerd, a particular favourite of mine is ‘Are you a myelin sheath? Because you are getting on my nerves’.


Thank you so much Caroline! We wish you all the very best with your future research, and hope you have a great experience at the GW4 Conference!

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