
Technical documents: SDS CoA Datasheet
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Product overview

Name RuBi-Glutamate
Biological description

Ruthenium-bipyridine-trimethylphosphine (RuBi) - caged glutamate. Water soluble.

RuBi-Glutamate can be excited by visible wavelengths and releases glutamate after one- or two- photon excitation. Glutamate release occurs in less than 50 ns.
Displays fewer non-specific effects than MNI-caged-Glutamate.

RuBi-Glutamate has a relatively high absorption cross section in the visible (blue) and has a high quantum efficiency of uncaging which allows use at low concentrations (e.g. lower concentrations than MNI-Glu). This partly avoids blockade of GABAergic transmission which occurs with other caged compounds.

Two-photon uncaging of RuBi-Glutamate has a high spatial resolution and generates excitatory responses in individual dendritic spines with physiological kinetics. With laser beam multiplexing, two-photon RuBi-Glutamate uncaging can also be used to depolarize and fire pyramidal neurons with single-cell resolution.

Therefore, RuBi-Glutamate enables photoactivation of neuronal dendrites and circuits with visible or two-photon light sources at single cell and single spine precision.

When combined with RuBi-Glutamate uncaging, two-photon photostimulation can be applied to optically map inhibitory connections.

Alternative names RuBi-Glu, RuBIglutamate
Customer comments

Hello Bio produce very high quality Rubi-Glutamate, which is capable of evoking single spine synaptic currents following 2-photon activation. The spatial and temporal dynamics of the uncaging are suitable for fast photolysis, mimicking accurately endogenous glutamate release. Verified customer, The University of Edinburgh

Description RuBi - caged glutamate compound. Water soluble.
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Uncaging of Rubi-Gutamate

Uncaging of Rubi-Gutamate using a 0.5 µM spot of 780 nm light for 2 ms (blue line), 1 µm adjacent to dendritic spines (average of 8 spine shown) in a CA1 pyramidal cell fom a 28 day old rat. Traces were acquired using a cesium gluconate based intracellular solution in voltage-ciamp configuration, in the presence of bath applied 300 µM Rubi-Glutamate and 50 µM Picrotoxin (also Hello Bio), producing small AMPA EPSCs at -70 mV (top) and large NMDA EPSCs at +40 mV (bottom)
RuBi-Glutamate product vial image | Hello Bio

Biological Data

Application notes

Uncaging of Rubi-Glutamate using a 0.5 µm spot of 780 nm light for 2 ms (blue line), 1 µm adjacent to dendritic spines (average of 8 spine shown) in a CA1 pyramidal cell from a 28 day old rat.

Traces were acquired using a cesium gluconate based intracellular solution in voltage-clamp configuration, in the presence of bath applied 300 µM Rubi-Glutamate and 50 µM picrotoxin (also Hello Bio), producing small AMPA EPSCs at -70 mV (top) and large NMDA EPSCs at +40 mV (bottom).

Solubility & Handling

Storage instructions -20°C
Solubility overview Soluble in water (20mM)
Handling This compound is light sensitive; exposure to light may affect compound performance. We therefore recommend storing the material in the dark and protecting from light.
Important This product is for RESEARCH USE ONLY and is not intended for therapeutic or diagnostic use. Not for human or veterinary use.



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Chemical Data

Chemical name (bis(2,2'-Bipyridine-N,N')trimethylphosphine)-(S)-1-aminopropane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid ruthenium(2+) complex sodium hexafluorophosphate salt
Molecular Weight 970.54
Chemical structure RuBi-Glutamate Chemical Structure
Molecular Formula C28H32N5O4PRu.2NaPF6
CAS Number 2417096-44-5
PubChem identifier 90488860
SMILES CP(C)C.C1=CC=NC(=C1)C2=CC=CC=N2.C1=CC=NC(=C1)C2=CC=CC=N2.C(CC(=O)[O-])C(C(=O)[O-])N.F[P-](F)(F)(F)(F)F.F[P-](F)(F)(F)(F)F.[Na+].[Na+].[Ru+2]
Source Synthetic
Appearance Orange solid

References for RuBi-Glutamate

References are publications that support the biological activity of the product
  • Dense, unspecific connectivity of neocortical parvalbumin-positive interneurons: a canonical microcircuit for inhibition?

    Packer AM et al (2011) J Neurosci 31(37) : 13260-71.
  • Dense inhibitory connectivity in neocortex.

    Fino and Yuste (2011) Neuron. 69(6) : 1188-203.
  • A fast ruthenium polypyridine cage complex photoreleases glutamate with visible or IR light in one and two photon regimes.

    Salierno M et al (2010) J Inorg Biochem 104(4) : 418-22.
  • RuBi-Glutamate: Two-Photon and Visible-Light Photoactivation of Neurons and Dendritic spines.

    Fino E et al (2009) Front Neural Circuits 3 : 2

4 Item(s)

These publications cite the use of RuBi-Glutamate purchased from Hello Bio:
  • Obesity-induced astrocyte dysfunction impairs heterosynaptic plasticity in the orbitofrontal cortex

    Lau BK et al (2021) Cell Rep 36(7) : 109563
    PubMedID: 34407401

1 Item