Ten Effective Support Networks for Women in STEM

Ten Effective Support Networks for Women in STEM
1 year ago

Ten Effective Support Networks for Women in STEM

It’s International Women’s Day on 8th March and we love to champion the work of women in STEM. We’re proud to celebrate and amplify the voices of female scientists every day of the year through our online interviews and guest blog articles, as well as highlighting some of the great initiatives created to support female scientists both inside and outside the lab.

If you’re a woman working in science you’ll know that there’s still a significant way to go to reach gender equality in both academia and industry, with representation still lacking considerably in STEM leadership roles. But where do you turn if you need help or support with a particular issue? Where can you seek advice on balancing parental responsibilities with your tasks in the lab? Who would you speak to for confidential support with a case of gender discrimination or harassment? 

We’ve compiled a list of ten great online resource networks for female scientists that offer community support, mentoring schemes, in-person events and more to help women in STEM succeed in their chosen fields.

Check out these ten great organisations and initiatives which are leading the way in connecting and supporting women in STEM!


1. Million Women Mentors

Founded in 2015, the Million Women Mentors initiative was established to inspire and build confidence in women and girls while supporting them to pursue careers in STEM. Through their US-based mentoring network they encourage women and girls to apply for leadership opportunities and to ‘pursue, persist, and thrive’ in STEM.


  • Mentor & mentee opportunities for women in STEM
  • Online webinars and in-person events
  • Blogs & news articles

Find out more: https://mwm.stemconnector.com/

X(Twitter): @MillionWMentors

LinkedIn: Million Women Mentors


2. Association for Women in Science

For more than fifty years the Association for Women in Science has been dedicated to their mission of ensuring all women in STEM can achieve their full potential. The association offers a safe and supportive community for female scientists with a huge number of resources available for its members. They also collaborate with institutions, corporations and other partners to help advocate for women and create connection and community around the world.


  • Online membership community for both open & confidential discussions
  • Career centre featuring a virtual job fair
  • Advice on issues such as harassment, racism and caregiving
  • Publication of the AWIS Magazine

Find out more: https://awis.org/

X(Twitter): @AWISNational

LinkedIn: Association for Women in Science


3. Mothers in Science

Since being founded by Dr Isabel Torres and Sonal Bhadane in France in 2019, the Mothers in Science organisation has quickly grown to become the leading global nonprofit advocating for mothers in STEM roles, promoting workplace equity and inclusion of parents and caregivers. Part of their mission is to start conversations around the issues affecting mothers working in science and to help build a society where nobody has to choose between having a science career or starting a family.


  • Online events including panel discussions & virtual career fair
  • LinkedIn community support group for solo mothers in science
  • Mentoring program
  • Travel grants for caregivers

Find out more: https://www.mothersinscience.com/

X(Twitter): @mothersinsci

Instagram: @mothersinsci

LinkedIn: Mothers in Science


4. Women on Stage

If you’re a woman looking to upskill in your current STEM or tech role, particularly in the area of public speaking, then the Women on Stage organisation could be just what you’re looking for! Their mission is to amplify the voices of women in science by increasing visibility and creating more role models in STEM leadership positions. This professional upskilling platform provides a space for women to share their stories, learn through networking, as well as train to become a keynote public speaker at STEM events.


  • Online community
  • Public speaking academy & training courses
  • Maternity leave meet-ups for women in R&D
  • Jobs board
  • The Backstage Podcast

Find out more: https://www.womenonstage.net/

X(Twitter): @womenonstagenet

LinkedIn: Women on Stage


5. 500 Women Scientists

This grassroots initiative was started in 2016 by four women who were committed to speaking up for marginalised communities in science. The mission of the 500 Women Scientists project is to make science open, inclusive and accessible to all by fighting racism, patriarchy and oppressive societal norms. The website is packed with resources, initiatives and programs to support women in STEM, including a database to promote and increase the visibility of female scientists, 500+ local community meet-up groups, as well as a huge archive of useful articles and blogs.


Find out more: https://500womenscientists.org/

X(Twitter): @500womensci

Instagram: @500womensci


6. The Black Women in Science Network

The Black Women in Science (BWis) Network is a community dedicated to supporting women of African and Caribbean heritage who are working in STEM. The network provides a safe space for sharing and receiving advice and support, while working to impact legislation and influence change within the STEM industry. The network runs in-person and virtual events, and also hosts a popular podcast.


Find out more: https://www.bwisnetwork.co.uk/

X(Twitter): @BWiSNetwork

Instagram: @bwisnetwork


7. STEM Women

The STEM Women organisation has been hosting career and networking events for female STEM students and graduates around the world since 2018. Their aim is to connect more female early career scientists with employers in order to contribute to a more diverse and inclusive STEM workforce. Last year they hosted events in the UK, Ireland, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, and their busy blog is packed with articles offering career advice, industry news, stats and other resources to support women in STEM.


  • Worldwide careers events for women in STEM
  • STEM graduate jobs board
  • Blog articles, stats & other career resources

Find out more: https://www.stemwomen.com/

X(Twitter): @STEMWomenEvents

Instagram: @stemwomenevents

8. Lift Up: Women in Life Sciences

The Lift Up: Women in Life Sciences community is an initiative from Fraser Dove International with a mission to ‘connect, inspire and champion women’ across the life sciences. This free online community offers access to a content library packed full of valuable resources, with plans to expand into live events, meet-ups and mentorship programmes. They also host a LinkedIn group which provides a safe space for professional connection, debate on relevant topics, and advice on branding, networking and mentoring.


  • A LinkedIn community group
  • Live video & podcast content
  • Blog articles

Find out more: https://fraserdove.com/lift-up-women-in-life-sciences/

LinkedIn: Lift Up: Women in Life Sciences


9. Gotara

The Gotara network was founded by Dr D Sangeeta whose mission was to close the gender gap by developing a leadership training program to upskill professional women in STEM. The organisation delivers corporate training to help promote female talent, increase workplace diversity and upskill those in STEM management roles. They also offer free community membership to individual women working in science, where they can access 24/7 confidential support, access to online events and advice from senior female leaders in STEM.


  • Professional training programs
  • Individual confidential support & advice from female STEM leaders
  • Online events & TaraTalk webinars
  • Blogs & general career advice

Find out more: https://www.gotara.com/

X(Twitter): @gotara_stem

Instagram: @gotara_stem


10. The Scientista Foundation

This US-based national organisation was founded in 2011 with a mission to empower pre-professional women in STEM through content, community and conferences. The network connects communities of women at campuses across the US & Canada in order to share resources and increase visibility. As well as organising in-person events and symposia they also publish an online periodical packed with career, education and lifestyle blogs as well as news articles and interviews with women in STEM.


  • Campus connection networks in the US & Canada
  • In-person events including symposia & conferences
  • Blogs, interviews & career advice

Find out more: http://www.scientistafoundation.com/

X(Twitter): @Scientista_Talk

Instagram: @scientistafoundation

LinkedIn: The Scientista Foundation


Other great online resources for women in STEM

Friends of Sarah - A confidential support program for female postdocs or PhD students who are experiencing difficult work environments that are negatively impacting their lives and careers. Regular virtual meetings that offer a safe and anonymous space to provide women in STEM with support, skills and resources - https://friendsofsarah.org/

Women in Neuroscience UK - A social media based network founded by Elizabeth ‘Lizzie’ English to inspire, connect and support neuroscientists who identify as female in the UK, and beyond - https://linktr.ee/womeninneuroscienceuk

Women in STEM - The largest LinkedIn group for female scientists, consisting of more than 11,000 members and offering a community space to share resources and connect with other women working in STEM - https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4878879/

Sister - An online publication amplifying the voices of gender minorities in STEM. A platform that aims to publish stories that illuminate the lived experiences of real people in STEM - https://sisterstem.org/

SiSTEM UK - An online platform and network aiming to connect women and science. Founded by sisters Abigail and Donna Otchere, with a particular aim to showcase black women in STEM, change the narrative, and encourage young girls to aim higher - https://linktr.ee/sistemuk


  • I Belong Here - hosted by Dr Noelia D Falcon of the University of East Anglia
  • Redefining Pink - hosted by Sophia Guan and Angelina Kim
  • sh(e)=mc2 - hosted by Maya Murshak, CEO of Merit Laboratories


Additional resources from Hello Bio

And finally, we have lots of great resources for female scientists on the Hello Bio blog, including interviews, guest articles and more:


If you enjoyed this article, why not check out the other resources available on our blog. We are passionate about supporting life scientists including early career life scientists and PhD students - with really low-priced reagents, antibodies and biochemicals, early career scientist grants, and resources to help with both personal and professional development. We know how tough it is - so we hope you find these helpful!

More General Support for Life Scientists

For advice on wellbeing, dissertations, presenting at conferences, wellbeing, PhD support, networking and lots more, we have a huge range of articles to help - just click below:

Advice and guidance for life scientists

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Technical resources

Try our Molarity Calculator: a quick and easy way to calculate the mass, volume or concentration required for making a solution.

Molarity Calculator

Try our Dilution Calculator: an easy way to work out how to dilute stock solutions of known concentrationsDilution Calculator

We also offer a comprehensive range of technical resources including antibody protocols and methods, product guides and mini-reviews:

Technical resources - methods and protocols

And finally, don't forget to check back in with our blog regularly for our latest articles. If there’s something you’d love to contribute to the community, whether that’s an interview or article, drop us a line at hello@hellobio.com


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