Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2024 Highly Commended Nominees: Rocío Gutiérrez Fuster

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2024 Highly Commended Nominees: Rocío Gutiérrez Fuster
2 months ago

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2024 Highly Commended Nominees: Rocío Gutiérrez Fuster

It’s time to meet another of our Lab Heroes Awards Highly Commended nominees for 2024! The standard of our annual competition was so high again this year that alongside our overall ‘Lab Hero’ winner, our judging panel also selected 10 ‘Lab Stars’ who they felt deserved special recognition! 

Rocío Gutiérrez Fuster is a PhD candidate at IIB-UNSAM-CONICET in Buenos Aires, Argentina who was nominated by her director Camila Scorticati and chosen by our judges as a ‘Highly Commended’ nominee. In her written nomination, Camila described Rocío’s impact on both the lab and the wider research community as being ‘truly exceptional’, and highlighted how she has persevered through budget cuts and funding shortages by adapting her approach and finding innovative ways to advance her research despite the limitations.

Rocío’s research explores the role of the neuronal glycoprotein GPM6a in neuronal plasticity and its interaction with cell adhesion molecules ICAM5 and Neuroplastin. Under the mentorship of Dr. Scorticati she has contributed to scientific publications and congress presentations.

We spoke to Rocío about her current research work, the importance of celebrating life science researchers, and her advice on adapting your research methods when funds are limited.


Congratulations, Rocío! How did it feel to find out that your colleague had nominated you as their Lab Hero?

I felt honored and grateful to know that my director, Camila Scorticati, nominated me. It’s rewarding to have my work recognized by someone I deeply respect.


How did it feel to learn you had been chosen as a 'Highly Commended' nominee?

It was a great surprise and an encouraging recognition of my efforts in the lab. However, to be honest I would have loved to know that I was the overall winner!!


Why do you think it’s so important to celebrate life science researchers, and what more could be done to show recognition in life science?

Celebrating life science researchers underscores the significance of their contributions to society and scientific progress. Greater recognition could be achieved by expanding funding opportunities, fostering public engagement initiatives, and creating platforms that showcase their work to a broader audience.


Did you always want to be a scientist when you were younger, and if so, why?

I didn’t always know I wanted to be a scientist, but during my college studies, I discovered how much I enjoyed research, particularly when I focused on neuroscience. Understanding how the brain works and how it influences behavior fascinated me, and that’s when I realized science was my path.


What do you enjoy most about working in STEM?

What I enjoy most about working in STEM is the opportunity to discover new things and solve problems. The combination of creativity, logic, and collaboration in STEM makes the work fulfilling and intellectually stimulating.


Can you tell us a bit more about what you're working on in the lab at the moment?

My research focuses on understanding how the neuronal glycoprotein GPM6a interacts with adhesion molecules like ICAM5 and Neuroplastin to regulate neuronal morphogenesis. This work aims to uncover mechanisms that could be targeted in neurological disorders.


What does a typical day in the lab look like for you?

A typical day in a molecular neuroscience lab includes culturing neurons, conducting transfections, setting up cell aggregation experiments, and analyzing data. It often involves spending 2 to 4 hours in the dark confocal microscope room. The day also includes planning experiments and collaborating with the lab team. What I love most about this work is its variety—no two days are the same, which keeps the job dynamic and exciting.


What do you think are the biggest challenges facing life scientists at the moment?

A major challenge is the lack of sufficient funding and resources, which limits the scope of research, particularly as it addresses increasingly complex questions and keeps pace with rapidly evolving technologies.


Your colleague praised your ability to adapt your research in the face of budget cuts and funding limitations. What advice would you give to other scientists facing similar challenges?

The lack of funding is one of the most discouraging aspects of conducting scientific research in Argentina. It forces scientists to be resourceful and creative in finding solutions, which can be incredibly challenging. I deeply admire all the researchers who continue to invest in and contribute to national scientific research despite these difficulties. For me, adapting to limited resources meant optimizing protocols to minimize costs while ensuring reliable results. My advice is to focus on essential experiments and seek collaboration whenever possible.


What key piece of advice would you give to a younger scientist just starting out in their career?

Stay curious and persistent. Science is a long journey, and setbacks are part of the process. Learn from every challenge and seek mentorship to guide your growth.


How do you see your career developing in the future/where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10 years, I envision myself leading a research team dedicated to studying neuronal diseases. I also hope to mentor young scientists and contribute to advancing neuroscience on a broader scale.


Who is YOUR lab hero? Which scientist or mentor has inspired you the most in your career so far?

My director, Dr. Camila Scorticati, has been a great mentor and role model throughout my career. Her dedication to science and her perseverance in seeking funding to continue our research, especially during challenging times, is truly inspiring.


What’s your favourite science quote?

"Understand the world to transform it." – Andrés Rieznik


Is there anything else you would like to tell us, eg. specific issues or initiatives in science that you are involved with or are passionate about?

I am passionate about science education and outreach. I’ve led workshops to teach children about biology and neuroscience, fostering curiosity and inspiring the next generation of scientists.


Thank you so much for speaking to us Rocío! And congratulations once again on being highly commended!

Connect with Rocío:

Find out more about our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2024 winner and highly commended nominees here:


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