Posts tagged 'diversity'

Creating a More Inclusive Future for Disabled Scientists

Creating a More Inclusive Future for Disabled Scientists

In the world of STEM research, disabled scientists are hugely underrepresented within the workforce. In this guest blog, PhD student Aurelia Valente considers some of the factors that can deter disabled people from pursuing science careers, and the simple accommodations that could make STEM more inclusive for all.

Recognising, Supporting & Celebrating Neurodiversity in STEM

Recognising, Supporting & Celebrating Neurodiversity in STEM

Awareness of neurodiversity has increased considerably in recent years, and when neurodivergent employees are properly supported, their unique skills and abilities can bring huge value to the workplace. In this article we recognise and celebrate those skills, and share ways in which you can make your lab more inclusive for everybody!

Ten LGBTQ+ Scientists You Should Know About

Ten LGBTQ+ Scientists You Should Know About

Being openly gay or transgender in the workplace isn’t always a positive experience, with some LGBTQ+ scientists remaining in the closet for fear of professional isolation. Diversity and inclusion can only strengthen the scientific community, and that’s why we’ve chosen to celebrate 10 inspiring scientists who have achieved great things while leading the way as LGBTQ+ role models…

How Can We Increase the Visibility of LGBTQIA+ Researchers in STEM?

How Can We Increase the Visibility of LGBTQIA+ Researchers in STEM?

Despite the rise in wider acceptance and discussion of LGBTQIA+ rights, many scientists within the gay community remain isolated and often closeted in the workplace. Guest author Ray Das of the University of Sussex discusses how and why we should be increasing the visibility of LGBTQIA+ researchers in STEM…

10 Award-Winning Black Scientists You Should Know About

10 Award-Winning Black Scientists You Should Know About

It’s Black History Month in the UK, and we’re using our platform to celebrate ten incredible black scientists whose work is not only changing the world, but who are also leading the way for diversity and racial equality in STEM.

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Walking With "Them": The Academic Elites

Walking With "Them": The Academic Elites

A frank and thought-provoking look at the challenges faced by a 'working-class' PhD student. Guest blog author Summer Rosonovski highlights some of the struggles of social mobility in academia, and the progress academia must make to retain talented working class scientists...

Promoting Diversity In STEM Online

Promoting Diversity In STEM Online

How we can better promote diversity in STEM online? Mackenzie Lemieux and Rebecca Zhang discuss how they discovered the power of Wikipedia - how it can be used to increase the representation of women in STEM, and leave a lasting impact on current and future generations of STEM leaders.

A Plastic Brain and the Malleability of Bias: Using Neuroscience to Address Underrepresentation in STEM

A Plastic Brain and the Malleability of Bias: Using Neuroscience to Address Underrepresentation in STEM

Mackenzie Lemieux, from the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and founder of SAID in STEM, shares her thoughts and insights on how we can use neuroscience to address underrepresentation in STEM - find out about SAID, bias in STEM and what we can do about it, in this fascinating article...

Gender Bias From A Woman In Science

Gender Bias From A Woman In Science

We are delighted that neuroscientist Kay Tye, Professor at the Salk Institute, and former Associate Professor at MIT, has shared her thoughts, experience and knowledge with us. Read her fascinating, sometimes shocking and extremely thought-provoking article on gender bias in science...

Seeing Yourself In Science: Reflections Of An Undergraduate

Seeing Yourself In Science: Reflections Of An Undergraduate

Our amazing guest blogger Jess Walsh shares her thoughts, wisdom and experience on the issues surrounding diversity in STEM.