Guest Posts

Navigating the Mentor-Mentee Relationship

Navigating the Mentor-Mentee Relationship

An effective mentor-mentee relationship takes time, commitment, and mutual respect. It can pull down barriers for underrepresented minorities, and can be the make or break of a scientist’s career trajectory. In this guest blog, experienced mentor Dr Enitome Bafor shares her thoughts on creating and cultivating a strong and successful relationship with your mentor.

Taking Positive Steps Towards PhD Success

Taking Positive Steps Towards PhD Success

The path to PhD success is rarely a smooth one, with most students facing unexpected setbacks at some point along the way. Guest blogger Samuel Dada gives an honest account of his PhD highs and lows, and shares the importance of maintaining a positive mindset for academic success…

10 Twitter Tips for Life Scientists

10 Twitter Tips for Life Scientists

Social media is a great way for scientists to connect, and Twitter remains one the most popular communication platforms amongst researchers. In this guest blog, science communicator & podcaster Elodie Chabrol shares 10 top tips to help you build your follower count and tweet like a pro!

The Importance of Mentoring for Postdoctoral Fellows

The Importance of Mentoring for Postdoctoral Fellows

Guidance from a good mentor is vital for any life scientist, whether you are starting out in grad school or taking your next steps as a promising postdoc. In this guest blog, Ksenia Kastanenka of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School shares insightful thoughts on the importance of mentoring at postdoc level.

STEM Career Paths for Life Scientists

STEM Career Paths for Life Scientists

Stats show that the number of PhDs awarded each year vastly outweighs the number of tenure track jobs available, so with so few academic positions up for grabs, why do we still think of leaving academia as a failure? Dr Joanne Kamens of The Impact Seat considers the huge variety of career options available to scientists outside of academia, and the skills you need to secure them.

Failure, Resiliency and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Failure, Resiliency and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Scientific career paths are often littered with rejection and setbacks, so how do we find the strength we need to reach our goals? Dr Matthew Caley of Queen Mary University of London shares the challenges he faced on his own career journey, from 6-year-old wannabe pirate to successful skin researcher.

Getting Accustomed to Rejection

Getting Accustomed to Rejection

Rejection is a normal part of science, so why don’t we talk about our failures more often? How can we become more accustomed to rejection? In this article, Danielle L Tomasello of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research explores her own experiences of rejection and the importance of resilience in grant writing.

Identifying & Dealing with Burnout in Academia

Identifying & Dealing with Burnout in Academia

Academic careers are often accompanied by pressure and stress, and as scientists it’s vital we learn to spot the signs of burnout long before we reach the point of crisis. In this valuable article, Dragonfly Mental Health offers essential advice on identifying and dealing with burnout in academia.

The 12-Step Guide to Getting the Most From Your Mentors

The 12-Step Guide to Getting the Most From Your Mentors

The mentor-mentee relationship is one of the most important relationships in science, but it takes honesty, compatibility and effective communication to make it work. Professor Stuart Maudsley of the University of Antwerp has mentored students from all walks of life, and shares 12 key pieces of advice to help you get the most from your mentors.

Listen & Learn: How to Start Your Own Science Podcast

Listen & Learn: How to Start Your Own Science Podcast

Want to create your own science podcast but aren’t sure where to start? Dr Elodie Chabrol shares her brilliant collection of tips and tricks to help you get your podcast off the ground and into the ears of science fans around the world…