Posts tagged 'funding'

Crafting a Statement of Purpose for Funding Applications

Crafting a Statement of Purpose for Funding Applications

Applying for science funding requires a huge amount of preparation, and something often overlooked is the importance of a strong statement of purpose. In this remarkable new article, Dr. Jazmine I. Benjamin shares valuable advice for crafting a solid personal statement that will make your STEM funding application stand out!

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Applying for Grants and Funding

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Applying for Grants and Funding

What do grant reviewers really look for in a funding application? How can you make your proposal stand out from the crowd? The Life Scientists’ Guide to Applying for Grants and Funding is packed with expert advice to help you submit an outstanding application for life science funding.

Graduate School Funding: Advice for Science Students

Graduate School Funding: Advice for Science Students

Graduate school is a dream and aspiration for many science students, but the application process for financial support can be time-consuming and complicated. Vanessa Mwebaza Muwanga, a PhD candidate in Clinical Science & Immunology at the University of Cape Town shares valuable advice on research, planning and mindset to help maximise your chances of submitting a successful funding application.

Writing a Winning Travel Grant Application

Writing a Winning Travel Grant Application

Cancer researcher and blogger Kate Secombe shares her tips and tricks to give you the best chance of winning a travel grant...