News, Updates & Offers

Hello Bio US office celebrates 5th Anniversary

Our US office is 5 years old today! To celebrate their 5th Anniversary we asked our very own Paula Klockner, Head of US Operations to share her reminisces from the last 5 years…

EU Office Opens, supporting scientists in the EU

EU Office Opens, supporting scientists in the EU

Our EU Office is now open - offering fast delivery, our usual low shipping fees and no customs duties. Easy hassle-free ordering for researchers wherever they may be in the EU!

Covid-19: Practical Advice for Researchers

Covid-19: Practical Advice for Researchers

With all of the uncertainty around the world at this time, we want to do our very best to ensure that researchers around the world will still have access to our products, protecting the continuity and integrity of their research, where they are still able to do it. We have compiled some FAQs that might help to address some of your immediate practical concerns...

Novel water-soluble, potent DREADD ligands, licensed from the NIH

Novel water-soluble, potent DREADD ligands, licensed from the NIH

We are delighted to announce that we have launched two novel water-soluble hM3Dq & hM4Di ligands – JHU37160 dihydrochloride and JHU37152 dihydrochloride. These are exciting tools for scientists studying GPCR and DREADD signalling. Hello Bio has been granted a licence from the National Institutes of Health to manufacture these novel tools and make them commercially available for the first time to life scientists worldwide. Find out more...

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Share your Hello Bio product images with us and get an Amazon voucher!

Share your Hello Bio product images with us and get an Amazon voucher!

Do you have images sitting on your hard drive or smartphone, that show Hello Bio products in action? if you do, you could earn a $10 / £10 or €10 Euro Amazon gift voucher!

Stability of DREADD Ligands in Solution - a Review

Stability of DREADD Ligands in Solution - a Review

Check out our new technical review: Stability of DREADD ligands in solution. Find out all you need to know about how to handle, store and use commonly used water-soluble DREADD ligands (such as Clozapine N-oxide dihydrochloride, and Compound 21 dihydrochloride) - and discover brand new data on the stability of these important tools.

Review on Neural Stem Cells & Small Molecules

Review on Neural Stem Cells & Small Molecules

Check out our new mini-review on Neural Stem Cells & Small Molecules - it includes descriptions of the small molecules commonly used in neural stem cell research, and the signaling pathways that they target...

The Big Life Scientist Survey: Here’s What You Told Us

The Big Life Scientist Survey: Here’s What You Told Us

The results of The Big Life Scientist Survey are in!

Thank you so much to all of you 222 life scientists from around the world who took the time to answer our questions and helped spread the word about the survey.

We asked the life sciences community a range of questions around funding, study replication, lifestyle, equal opportunities and diversity with some eye opening results...

Synaptic Plasticity Review

Synaptic Plasticity Review

Check out our new mini-review on synaptic plasticity - including types and mechanisms of short-term and long-term synaptic plasticity, plus pharmacological manipulation, useful tables, diagrams and more...

The Big Life Scientist Survey

The Big Life Scientist Survey

Scientists, we want to hear your views in The Big Life Scientist Survey!

The aim of The Big Life Scientist Survey is to highlight the biggest challenges life scientists are facing today around funding, pressure, publication and more. It’ll only take you five minutes to complete, it's completely anonymous, and at the end you can have the option of entering our prize draw to win $500 of Hello Bio vouchers too.