Posts tagged 'wellbeing'

Scientist Talks: Heema Vyas

Scientist Talks: Heema Vyas

Next up in our Scientist Talks video series, we chatted to Heema Vyas. Heema is a fourth-year PhD student at the Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute at the University of Wollongong in Australia. We spoke to Heema about her current research, her experience of managing her mental wellbeing during her PhD, and her advice for new PhD students when it comes to balancing mental health and wellbeing in the academic environment.

Building Resilience in Scientific Research & Academia

Building Resilience in Scientific Research & Academia

In a very simple approach, Dr. Enitome Bafor explains what resilience means to her and how through different setbacks, resilience can help you succeed in your research, and make progress despite the odds!

How To Manage The Expected Pace Of Work In Scientific Research

How To Manage The Expected Pace Of Work In Scientific Research

Technology enables researchers to be more efficient and more productive than ever before. But, is this actually good for science and good for us? Neuroscientist Dr Kate O’Neill explores these questions and shares her advice in this fascinating article.

Interviews with Scientists: Sophie Prosolek

Interviews with Scientists: Sophie Prosolek

We’re delighted to speak to final year PhD student Sophie Prosolek, a passionate science communicator and champion for public engagement. We spoke to Sophie about her scientific research, mental health in academia, how her creativity and science complement each other, and more...

Workplace Wellbeing For Life Scientists

Workplace Wellbeing For Life Scientists

There will be times when scientists feel stressed or overworked - and you don't need us to tell you that! However, it is important to recognise the impact your workplace can have on your wellbeing. Our guest bloggers Rachelle Balez and Heema Kumari Nilesh Vyas share with us some simple steps that can be implemented to enhance and promote workplace wellbeing for scientists.

My PI & I: What Makes A Good Student-Supervisor Relationship?

My PI & I: What Makes A Good Student-Supervisor Relationship?

Once you’ve found a supervisor that you want to work with, it’s important to make sure that you can communicate well with them. Whatever your research area is, your supervisor should be able to support you and your learning while also challenging you to ask questions you haven’t thought of before. Here, our guest blogger Karolina Farrell shares her advice on how to achieve a good working relationship with your supervisor.

Why Scientists Need Great Mentors

Why Scientists Need Great Mentors

Why are mentors important for scientists? What makes a great one? Read this illuminating article by our inspiring guest blogger Stuart Maudsley, Group Leader of the Translational Neurobiology Group and Adjunct Department Director of the VIB Center for Molecular Neurology at the University of Antwerp.

“I can’t believe they’re letting me write this blog”: Imposter Syndrome, Science, and the Rest of the World

“I can’t believe they’re letting me write this blog”: Imposter Syndrome, Science, and the Rest of the World

Do you ever feel like a fake or a phony? Ever feel insecure and doubt yourself, often despite evidence to the contrary? Then read our blog post on Imposter Syndrome, by the amazingly talented Brittany Berdy...

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Wellbeing

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Wellbeing

We know you love what you do, and we understand how hard life scientists work – and that it’s often out of choice, rather than necessity. But working hard doesn’t mean you have to neglect yourself. Read our guide to find out what wellbeing actually is, and how we scientists can look after ourselves better, and support our colleagues to do the same.

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