Posts tagged 'resilience'

Failure, Resiliency and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Failure, Resiliency and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Scientific career paths are often littered with rejection and setbacks, so how do we find the strength we need to reach our goals? Dr Matthew Caley of Queen Mary University of London shares the challenges he faced on his own career journey, from 6-year-old wannabe pirate to successful skin researcher.

Getting Accustomed to Rejection

Getting Accustomed to Rejection

Rejection is a normal part of science, so why don’t we talk about our failures more often? How can we become more accustomed to rejection? In this article, Danielle L Tomasello of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research explores her own experiences of rejection and the importance of resilience in grant writing.

Mental Health & Wellbeing for Scientists: Support Pack

Mental Health & Wellbeing for Scientists: Support Pack

Here are some resources that aim to support your mental health and wellbeing, wherever you are in your scientific career...

Dealing With Feelings Of Inadequacy During Your Research Career

Dealing With Feelings Of Inadequacy During Your Research Career

Feelings of inadequacy will affect most of us at some point in our lives, and the pressure of a PhD can trigger ‘imposter syndrome’ in even the most confident of researchers. Pearl Akazue, a PhD Fellow at the University of Ghana reflects on her first few days as a PhD student, and shares some valuable advice on overcoming negative feelings...

Views: 4321
The Life Scientists’ Guide to Coping With Rejection

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Coping With Rejection

Most of us will face rejection at some stage in our careers, and while we can’t avoid it, we can choose how we cope with it. In our Life Scientist's Guide to Coping With Rejection, scientists from around the world share their experience of academic rejection, and how it ultimately shaped their careers...

Views: 8259
Resilience & Success In Science: A Researcher’s Perspective

Resilience & Success In Science: A Researcher’s Perspective

Rejected manuscript, failed experiment, rejected grant application...How can we build resilience as researchers, and turn adversity into advantage? Here, Dr Abiola Isawumi gives practical valuable advice on managing situations routinely faced by researchers...

Building Resilience in Scientific Research & Academia

Building Resilience in Scientific Research & Academia

In a very simple approach, Dr. Enitome Bafor explains what resilience means to her and how through different setbacks, resilience can help you succeed in your research, and make progress despite the odds!