Support for Scientists

Registration is now OPEN for the Hello Bio LabLife Conference 2024!
Ten Ways for Scientists to Achieve a Better Work-Life Balance

Ten Ways for Scientists to Achieve a Better Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a good work-life balance is crucial for life scientists if they want to stay healthy, focussed, productive and happy. We’ve put together a list of ten small changes you can make to improve your work-life balance and start enjoying life more, both inside and outside the lab!

Becoming an Assistant Professor - Advice for Science Postdocs

Becoming an Assistant Professor - Advice for Science Postdocs

If you’re a postdoc with ambitions to become an Assistant Professor, there’s lots you can do to enhance your chances of being promoted! This article is packed with top tips to prepare you for tenure-track, plus Caesar Miguel Hernandez of the University of Alabama at Birmingham shares what he learned on his journey from postdoc to Assistant Professor!

Conference Checklist: 10 Must-Dos at Science Conferences

Conference Checklist: 10 Must-Dos at Science Conferences

If you’re attending your first big life science conference this year, you’ll want to make sure you get the most from your visit. The potential for connection and collaboration is huge, and that’s why we’ve put together a checklist of 10 ‘must-dos’ to help you make the most of your conference experience!

How the Hello Bio Early Career Scientist Grant Helped My Career

How the Hello Bio Early Career Scientist Grant Helped My Career

Since the launch of our Early Career Scientist Grant in 2021, we’ve awarded over $15,000 to more than 30 life science PhDs and postdocs! We caught up with four of them to find out how they used their grants, and how it helped to shape the next stages of their life science careers…

Ten LGBTQ+ Scientists You Should Know About

Ten LGBTQ+ Scientists You Should Know About

Being openly gay or transgender in the workplace isn’t always a positive experience, with some LGBTQ+ scientists remaining in the closet for fear of professional isolation. Diversity and inclusion can only strengthen the scientific community, and that’s why we’ve chosen to celebrate 10 inspiring scientists who have achieved great things while leading the way as LGBTQ+ role models…

Ten Great Science Groups to Join on LinkedIn

Ten Great Science Groups to Join on LinkedIn

For life science professionals, LinkedIn is one of the best online spaces for networking, and a great way to stay connected with the right people is by joining specialist groups on LinkedIn. We’ve picked out ten great science groups that are packed with helpful content to boost your STEM career opportunities…

Ten Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste in the Lab

Ten Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste in the Lab

This month is Plastic Free July and although we’re all aware of the importance of reducing plastic use in life science labs, there’s always more we can do to make our workspaces that little bit greener. We’ve put together a quick checklist of ten ways to help you reduce plastic waste in your lab…

How Can We Increase the Visibility of LGBTQIA+ Researchers in STEM?

How Can We Increase the Visibility of LGBTQIA+ Researchers in STEM?

Despite the rise in wider acceptance and discussion of LGBTQIA+ rights, many scientists within the gay community remain isolated and often closeted in the workplace. Guest author Ray Das of the University of Sussex discusses how and why we should be increasing the visibility of LGBTQIA+ researchers in STEM…

Supporting Women in STEM - Resources for Female Researchers

Supporting Women in STEM - Resources for Female Researchers

At Hello Bio we’re proud to support and amplify the voices of female scientists through our blog. We love to share inspiring interviews and guest articles written by fascinating women, which we hope help to motivate and support others, and these are some of our highlights!