
Interviews with Scientists: Célia Domingos

Interviews with Scientists: Célia Domingos

We met Célia Domingos at ENCODS 2019 last month, where she was one of the five scientists to benefit from our fee waiver sponsorship. It was great to catch up with her for our Interviews with Scientists series, and speak more about her work, the challenges facing life scientists, her advice for those just starting out with their PhD and more...

Interviews with Scientists: Dr Gilda Stefanelli

Interviews with Scientists: Dr Gilda Stefanelli

Meet Dr. Gilda Stefanelli in our next Interviews with Scientists! Gilda is a postdoc in the Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto, Mississauga working under the supervision of Dr. Iva Zovkic. She advocates for women in STEM and is in the process of founding a non-profit organization to help women pursue a career in science in difficult countries. Find out more about Gilda and her work...

Improving public understanding of science

Improving public understanding of science

From climate change, to vaccines, astrology to cancer research - how can we improve the public understanding of science? Why are some of the public misunderstanding and what can we do about it? For some answers, read this thoughtful, insightful and honest Hello Bio Blog article by Birmingham University's Ella Courtie and Mann Virdee.

Interviews with Scientists: Oliver Steele

Interviews with Scientists: Oliver Steele

Meet Oli Steele! Oli is a PhD student at the University of Sussex in the Penn Lab. His work is part of the Alzheimer’s Society Doctoral Training Center, and centres on the electrophysiological impact of different Apolipoprotein E isoforms. Find out more about Oli...

Travel Award Winner Kate O'Neill

Travel Award Winner Kate O'Neill

Kate O'Neill is a postdoctoral researcher working at the University of Maryland, College Park and is studying the role of the cytoskeleton in primary neurons and astrocytes. Find out about how she plans to use her Hello Bio travel award...

Writing a Winning Travel Grant Application

Writing a Winning Travel Grant Application

Cancer researcher and blogger Kate Secombe shares her tips and tricks to give you the best chance of winning a travel grant...

Interviews with Scientists: Abigail Abrahams

Interviews with Scientists: Abigail Abrahams

Next in our interviews with scientists, meet Abi Abrahams! Abi is currently a neuroscience PhD student at the University of Nottingham as part of the BBSRC Doctoral Training Programme. Abi told us about her work, her volunteering at The Loop and more...

Travel Award Winner Francesca Managò

Travel Award Winner Francesca Managò

We were delighted to sponsor a travel award for delegates of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society Meeting 2019. The winner is Francesca Managò, a researcher working at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), in Italy. Find out more about Francesca's work and her trip to Australia...

Interviews with Scientists: Fabien Naneix

Interviews with Scientists: Fabien Naneix

Next in our Interviews with Scientists, we speak to Fabien Naneix. Fabien is a postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour at the University of Leicester, UK, and we were delighted that he agreed to share his thoughts and research with us...

How do you get started in science writing?

How do you get started in science writing?

In this article, fantastic guest blogger James Howe shares his advice and experience, and offers tips for academics in STEM hoping to get into science writing...