
Travel Award Winner Bo Li

Travel Award Winner Bo Li

Our latest travel award winner is Bo Li, a Research Fellow at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto - find out more about his work, and his plans to visit ISSCR2019 in Los Angeles...

Views: 22243
Working in Science Academia: A Survival Story

Working in Science Academia: A Survival Story

In this open and honest article, one scientist shares her experiences, and the lessons she learnt when trying to obtain a tenure-track position...

Views: 460
Why We Need to Make Biomedical Research More Open

Why We Need to Make Biomedical Research More Open

In our latest blog article, Dr Bronwen Martin, from the University of Antwerp discusses why she believes the current structure of biomedical research is hampering the search for effective treatments, and what we can all, as scientists, do about it.

25 of the Best Motivational Quotes from Scientists

25 of the Best Motivational Quotes from Scientists

Lots of scientists have been sharing their motivational science quotes with us. So we've collated our top 25 into one great big inspirational blog for you - a worthwhile read for whenever you feel that life in the lab is getting you down!

Views: 552117

Travel Award Winner Aaron Scott

Our latest travel award winner is Bristol University PhD student Aaron Scott - find out more about his work, and his exciting trip to Japan...

Interviews with Scientists: Rianne Stowell

Interviews with Scientists: Rianne Stowell

Next in our Interviews with Scientists, we speak to Rianne Stowell. Rianne was a lucky recipient of our travel award to attend The 2019 Gordon Research Conference on Dendrites: Molecules, Structure and Function in Ventura, CA – and it was great to have the chance to chat to her about her work.

Learning to make your CASE to policymakers

Learning to make your CASE to policymakers

Politicians and scientists may not always be the best of friends, but researcher Caitlin Burgdorf explains how, and why we should, as scientists engage with policymakers and politicians...

Surviving Your PhD Viva / Dissertation Defense

Surviving Your PhD Viva / Dissertation Defense

You've been working hard in the lab for years, you've submitted your PhD thesis, and there is one more hurdle...Our fabulous guest blogger Dr. James Quinn, shares his top tips for surviving your PhD viva (dissertation defense).

Interviews with Scientists: Ana Paula Miranda

Interviews with Scientists: Ana Paula Miranda

Meet Ana Paula Miranda in the next of our Interviews with Scientists blog series! Ana Paula is in the last month of her PhD in Biochemistry at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We chatted to Ana about her PhD and research, and more...

Interviews with Scientists: Martyn Webb

Interviews with Scientists: Martyn Webb

Next in our Interviews with Scientists series, meet Martyn Webb. Martyn is a PhD student at the University of East Anglia, working on developing a clinically implementable urine test for prostate cancer. We found out more about his fascinating work, and what challenges he has faced...