
Meet our Latest Travel Award Winner Ankita Kapoor

Meet our Latest Travel Award Winner Ankita Kapoor

Ankita Kapoor is a researcher working at inStem, Bangalore, India in Dr. Tina Mukherjee's lab and is working to understand "The role of neurotransmitter dopamine in blood development". The Hello Bio travel award will help fund her trip to the 26th European Drosophila Research Conference. Ankita took some time out from her fruit flies to chat to us about what she is working on!

Meet our Latest Travel Award Winner Mehdi Adibi

Meet our Latest Travel Award Winner Mehdi Adibi

Mehdi is an NHMRC CJ Martin early career research fellow at the University of New South Wales, Australia, and is our latest travel award winner! Find out where he plans to go, and what he thinks are the challenges facing neuroscientists at the moment...

A Plastic Brain and the Malleability of Bias: Using Neuroscience to Address Underrepresentation in STEM

A Plastic Brain and the Malleability of Bias: Using Neuroscience to Address Underrepresentation in STEM

Mackenzie Lemieux, from the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and founder of SAID in STEM, shares her thoughts and insights on how we can use neuroscience to address underrepresentation in STEM - find out about SAID, bias in STEM and what we can do about it, in this fascinating article...

Interviews with Scientists: Joana Carvalheiro

Interviews with Scientists: Joana Carvalheiro

Next in our Interviews with Scientists, meet Joana Carvalheiro! Joana is currently a PhD student at the University of Minho as part of the Doctoral Programme in Basic Psychology, and was one of five scientists to attend ENCODS 2019 last month as a result of our fee waiver sponsorship. Find out what Joana had to say about her current work, her advice for new PhD students and more...

Views: 15968
Interviews with Scientists: Jessica Salles

Interviews with Scientists: Jessica Salles

It was lovely to meet PhD student Jessica Salles while we were exhibiting at ENCODS 2019 last month! Jessica was one of the five scientists whose conference fee waiver was part of our sponsorship. We took the opportunity to have a chat to her...

Views: 17267
Interviews with Scientists: Adele Edwards

Interviews with Scientists: Adele Edwards

Adele Edwards is one of the five scientists to benefit from our fee waiver sponsorship at the ENCODS 2019 conference last month. Here Adele tells us a bit more about her work...

Views: 17828
ENCODS 2019: Our Highlights from the Annual Neuroscience Conference

ENCODS 2019: Our Highlights from the Annual Neuroscience Conference

Last month, we were delighted to be sponsoring and exhibiting at ENCODS 2019: a two-day event providing a platform for early-career neuroscientists from different backgrounds to meet fellow students and make connections with internationally renowned scientists. Here’s our round up of highlights from the two days!

Views: 17458
Five Essential Tips for Writing Scientific Papers

Five Essential Tips for Writing Scientific Papers

Struggling to get your paper published? Jasmine Pickford from the University of Bristol shares some top tips for early career researchers...

How To Be A Brilliant Science Communicator

How To Be A Brilliant Science Communicator

Looking for the best advice and top tips on presentation skills and public speaking? The inspirational Dr Emily Grossman gave a fantastic presentation skills workshop at ENCODS2019 - find out what she said and take that first step to becoming a brilliant science communicator yourself...

Views: 40857
Why We Need ‘Credibility in Neuroscience’

Why We Need ‘Credibility in Neuroscience’

Currently, within neuroscience, there's a huge pressure to publish as much research as possible, as quickly as possible, and to make findings as newsworthy as possible. Georgina Hazell, Head of Policy and Campaigns, British Neuroscience Association tells us why we must ensure the credibility of research – that it is reproducible, replicable, and reliable.