Cresyl Violet Solution (1%)

Technical documents: SDS CoA Datasheet
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Product overview

Name Cresyl Violet Solution (1%)
Alternative names Cresyl Echt Violet Solution (0.1%), Cresyl Violet Nissl substance stain solution
Biological description

Selectively stains Nissl substance in neurons on formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue. Commonly used for identifying the basic neuronal structure in brain and spinal cord tissue. Nissl granules stain purple/ violet while nuclei of neuroglia and endothelial cells are slightly bluer than Nissl granules (violet to dark blue).

Control Tissue: Cerebral Cortex



Stains Nissl substance in neurons on formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue

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Figure1. Cresyl Violet staining in formalin fixed rat dentate gyrus

Cresyl Violet from Hello Bio stains Nissl substance blue within the neurons of the dentate gyrus. For protocol see notes below.

Figure2. Cresyl Violet staining in formalin fixed rat prefrontal cortex

Cresyl Violet from Hello Bio stains Nissl substance blue within the neurons of the PFC. For protocol see notes below.

Figure3. Cresyl Violet staining in formalin fixed rat CA

Cresyl Violet from Hello Bio stains Nissl substance blue within the neurons of hippocampal CA1. For protocol see notes below.

Figure4. Cresyl Violet staining in formalin fixed rat hippocampus

Cresyl Violet from Hello Bio stains Nissl substance blue within the neurons of the hippocampus. For protocol see notes below.

Figure5. Cresyl Violet staining in formalin fixed rat cerebellum

Bio stains NissI substance blue within the neurons of the cerebellum. For protocol see notes below.

Figure6. Cresyl Violet staining in formalin fixed rat cerebellum

Cresyl Violet from Hello Bio stains Nissl substance blue within the neurons of the cerebellum. For protocol see notes below.

Figure7. Cresyl Violet staining in formalin fixed rat prefrontal cortex

Cresyl Violet from Hello Bio stains Nissl substance blue within the neurons of the PFC. For protocol see notes below.

Figure8. Cresyl Violet staining in formalin fixed rat cerebellum

Cresyl Violet from Hello Bio stains Nissl substance blue within the neurons of the cerebellum. For protocol see notes below.

Figure9. Cresyl Violet staining in formalin fixed rat cerebellum

Cresyl Violet from Hello Bio stains NissI substance blue within the neurons of the cerebellum. For protocol see notes below.

Biological Data

Application notes


Working Solutions: This stain may be diluted up to 1:10 with deionized water just before use.

1. Deparaffinize and hydrate sections to distilled water.

2. Apply Cresyl Violet Acetate solution (or your Cresyl Violet Acetate working solution) to tissue for 3-5 minutes

3. Quickly rinse in 1 change of distilled water.

4. Dehydrate rapidly in absolute alcohol. Please note that alcohol may remove the stain from tissue over time.

5. Clear in 3 or 4 changes of xylene/xylene substitute and

6. Mount with synthetic resin.


#Protocol 1: Cresyl Violet staining of frozen brain sections


  • 10µm fresh frozen sections were cut on a cryostat then fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin for 10 minutes
  • Sections were washed 3 times in dH2O then incubated for 8 minutes in acidified cresyl violet solution (5 drops of 10% acetic acid in 30ml of cresyl violet solution)
  • Sections were then differentiated in 96% alcohol briefly (acidified with 3 drops 10% acetic acid / 50ml alcohol) before being then washed in 100% alcohol and allowed to air dry
  • Once dry, slides were incubated in xylene 3 times for 5 minutes and then mounted using DPX.


Note: If using paraffin embedded sections, deparaffinise the sections before hydrating into distilled water and then proceed with staining in Cresyl Violet solution

Solubility & Handling

Storage instructions Room temperature
Important This product is for RESEARCH USE ONLY and is not intended for therapeutic or diagnostic use. Not for human or veterinary use



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References for Cresyl Violet Solution (1%)

References are publications that support the biological activity of the product
  • Cresyl violet: a superior fluorescent lysosomal marker.

    Ostrowski PP et al (2016) Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark) 17 : 1313-1321
  • Cresyl violet: a red fluorescent Nissl stain.

    Alvarez-Buylla A et al (1990) Journal of neuroscience methods 33 : 129-33
  • Cresyl violet: a rapid, simple, easily interpretable stain for detecting Pneumocystis carinii in sputum.

    Moas CM et al (1989) Southern medical journal 82 : 957-9

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