Travel Award Winner Ma'ayan Gadot

Travel Award Winner Ma'ayan Gadot
Posted in: Travel Grants
7 years ago

Travel Award Winner Ma'ayan Gadot

Our May travel award winner is PhD student Ma'ayan Gadot, working in Prof. Hamutal Slovin's Lab at Gonda brain research center, Bar-Ilan University, Israel. She investigates the neural mechanisms underlining depth perception and the award will help to fund her trip to SfN's 48th annual meeting.We chatted to Ma'ayan to find out more about her research and her plans...

Thank you Hello Bio for the generous travel grant to attend the Society for Neuroscience (SFN) 2018 annual meeting. Participating in this conference provides a unique opportunity to share my research with the international neuroscience committee and discuss the novel developments in the field with colleagues and students from leading laboratories. I trust this experience will have a significant contribution to my professional training. I greatly appreciate your support! Ma'ayan Gadot, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, Hello Bio travel award winner

Congratulations Ma'ayan. First, can you tell us a bit more about what you're working on at the moment?

My research focuses on visual perception and the neuronal mechanisms by which contextual factors influence perceptual experience. I am interested in the linkage between neuronal activity and behaviour. Especially, how external stimuli and internal processes are represented in neuronal circuits and the nature of the computations performed by the central nervous system. This has lead me to investigate the perceptual and neural mechanisms of depth perception in humans and non-human primates.

What is it about your field of research that gets you most excited?

Understanding the neuronal correlates of perception requires a multi-discipline approach. This entails combining experimental research with computational methods and cognitive models in order to explore the fundamental mechanisms of the neural activity that give rise to behaviour. Having the opportunity to collect elaborate data and analyse the complex neuronal signals is a wonderful challenge that always entails an element of mystery - thus there’s never a dull moment.

What do you think are the biggest challenges currently facing life scientists and their work?

The major challenge today, in my opinion, consists of two major issues. First, developing new cutting edge techniques is required in order to gain high quality/informative data. Second, advanced analysis methods should be introduced as it may hold a great potential to discover new findings and a deeper understanding of biological processes.

What’s your favourite science quote?

“Why, Jon, why?” his mother asked. “Why is it so hard to be like the rest of the flock, Jon? Why can’t you leave low flying to the pelicans, the albatross? Why don’t you eat? Jon, you’re bone and feathers!”

“I don’t mind being bone and feathers, Mum. I just want to know what I can do in the air and what I can’t, that’s all. I just want to know.”

- Richard Bach, “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”


Thank you Ma'ayan - we hope you enjoy SfN!

You can follow Ma'ayan on Twiitter @Maayan_Gadot

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