
Interviews with Scientists: Noelia Dominguez Falcon

Interviews with Scientists: Noelia Dominguez Falcon

It’s time for another of our Interviews with Scientists and this week we were delighted to catch up with Dr Noelia Dominguez Falcon, a lecturer in Biomedicine at the University of East Anglia, UK! She told us more about career so far, her passion for student engagement and her thoughts on female representation in STEM…

10 Great Podcasts by Scientists

10 Great Podcasts by Scientists

The number of science-themed podcasts on the market is ever-increasing, and we’ve been shining a spotlight on some of the podcasts produced by busy life scientists who take time away from the lab to get behind a microphone, make their voices heard and discuss the topics they are most passionate about. Here are 10 great podcasts made by scientists…

How Can We Increase the Visibility of LGBTQIA+ Researchers in STEM?

How Can We Increase the Visibility of LGBTQIA+ Researchers in STEM?

Despite the rise in wider acceptance and discussion of LGBTQIA+ rights, many scientists within the gay community remain isolated and often closeted in the workplace. Guest author Ray Das of the University of Sussex discusses how and why we should be increasing the visibility of LGBTQIA+ researchers in STEM…

Congratulations to our Science Snapshots Winner!

Congratulations to our Science Snapshots Winner!

It’s time to announce the winner of our Science Snapshots photo competition! We asked you to send us your favourite science snaps from the lab, and you didn’t disappoint! Find out which photo has won our $250 Lab Fun Grant!

Supporting Women in STEM - Resources for Female Researchers

Supporting Women in STEM - Resources for Female Researchers

At Hello Bio we’re proud to support and amplify the voices of female scientists through our blog. We love to share inspiring interviews and guest articles written by fascinating women, which we hope help to motivate and support others, and these are some of our highlights!

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Giulia Galaverni

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Giulia Galaverni

It’s time to introduce the latest winner of our Early Career Scientist Grant! Giulia Galaverni is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. She told us about her research, the scientists she admires most, and how she will use the $500 grant money!

Podcasts by Scientists: BrainCast

Podcasts by Scientists: BrainCast

Our Podcasts by Scientists series is back, and we’re shining a spotlight on Sussex University’s BrainCast podcast! In this interview, we spoke to Alice Cox of the Sussex Neuroscience Society to learn more about the student team behind the podcast and their plans for future episodes!

Support Pack for Postdocs

Support Pack for Postdocs

Once you've aced that dissertation defense, and embarked upon your postdoc journey, you will likely encounter a different set of challenges to those you faced during your PhD. In our new Support Pack for Postdocs we've gathered some great resources to help you, wherever you are in your postdoc career!

Interviews with Scientists: Rachel Sellick

Interviews with Scientists: Rachel Sellick

It’s time for the next in our Interviews with Scientists series, and this time we spoke to Rachel Sellick of Cardiff University! We found out more about her neuroscience research into Huntington’s Disease, as well as her passion for scicomm and country music!

Draw Your Science: The Pen & Paper Poster Challenge!

Draw Your Science: The Pen & Paper Poster Challenge!

Could you present your life science research with just a pen and paper? Find out how a group of young neuroscientists in Portugal took on the challenge of illustrating and presenting their research by hand on just a single sheet of paper!