
How the Hello Bio Early Career Scientist Grant Helped My Career

How the Hello Bio Early Career Scientist Grant Helped My Career

Since the launch of our Early Career Scientist Grant in 2021, we’ve awarded over $15,000 to more than 30 life science PhDs and postdocs! We caught up with four of them to find out how they used their grants, and how it helped to shape the next stages of their life science careers…

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Daina Pamedytytė

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Daina Pamedytytė

Introducing another of our Early Career Scientist Grant winners! Daina Pamedytytė is a final year PhD student at Vilnius University in Lithuania. She told us about her current research, and how she plans to use the $500 grant…

Ten LGBTQ+ Scientists You Should Know About

Ten LGBTQ+ Scientists You Should Know About

Being openly gay or transgender in the workplace isn’t always a positive experience, with some LGBTQ+ scientists remaining in the closet for fear of professional isolation. Diversity and inclusion can only strengthen the scientific community, and that’s why we’ve chosen to celebrate 10 inspiring scientists who have achieved great things while leading the way as LGBTQ+ role models…

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Priyanka Pant

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Priyanka Pant

We’re delighted to introduce another of our Early Career Scientist Grant winners! Priyanka Pant is a final year PhD student at the CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology in India. She told us more about how the $500 grant will help fund a research trip to Amsterdam…

Podcasts by Scientists: Neuroverse

Podcasts by Scientists: Neuroverse

We love a science-themed podcast, and this week we’ve been listening non-stop to the brilliant Neuroverse podcast! We caught up with neuroscientists & podcast creators Carolina Soares and Clara Lenherr to find out more about making their audio project and the challenges they’ve faced along the way…

Interviews with Scientists: Emanuel Tahiri

Interviews with Scientists: Emanuel Tahiri

In the next instalment of our Interviews with Scientists series, we chatted to Emanuel Tahiri of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, who told us about his PhD research into Alzheimer’s disease, his passion for science, and the valuable advice given to him at the start of his PhD!

Ten Great Science Groups to Join on LinkedIn

Ten Great Science Groups to Join on LinkedIn

For life science professionals, LinkedIn is one of the best online spaces for networking, and a great way to stay connected with the right people is by joining specialist groups on LinkedIn. We’ve picked out ten great science groups that are packed with helpful content to boost your STEM career opportunities…

Podcasts by Scientists: Her Royal Science

Podcasts by Scientists: Her Royal Science

It’s time to take a closer look at another great science podcast & this time we’re shining the spotlight on Her Royal Science! Host & founder Dr Asma Bashir tells us more about the podcast which aims to create a safe space for people from minority groups within STEM to share their stories…

Jeff Watkins - A chemist with enormous impact upon neurobiology

Jeff Watkins - A chemist with enormous impact upon neurobiology

We’re celebrating the life and work of Jeff Watkins (1929-2023), an inspiring chemist who contributed enormously to neuroscience research, and whose entrepreneurial career led to the evolution of Hello Bio. Find out more about this incredible scientist and his legacy, from those who knew and worked with him…

Ten Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste in the Lab

Ten Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste in the Lab

This month is Plastic Free July and although we’re all aware of the importance of reducing plastic use in life science labs, there’s always more we can do to make our workspaces that little bit greener. We’ve put together a quick checklist of ten ways to help you reduce plastic waste in your lab…