
Podcasts by Scientists: The Struggling Scientists

Podcasts by Scientists: The Struggling Scientists

In the next in our Podcasts by Scientists series, we’re shining the spotlight on The Struggling Scientists! Find out all about the popular podcast that highlights the challenges faced by scientists today, and provides tips and tricks for PhD students…

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Organizing Events & Conferences

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Organizing Events & Conferences

So you’ve been asked to help organize your institute or organization’s next science conference, but you’re a scientist - not an event planner! So where do you begin? Whether you are organizing a half day local symposium or a week long international event, this guide is a great place to start, with lots of detailed advice to help bring your science event to life!

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Palanivel Kandasamy

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Palanivel Kandasamy

We’re delighted to introduce our next Early Career Scientist Grant winner! Palanivel Kandasamy is a postdoctoral researcher working at the University of Bern in Professor Matthias Hediger’s lab, and he told us how our $500 grant will help to support his career.

Ten Essential Soft Skills for Life Scientists

Ten Essential Soft Skills for Life Scientists

Being a great life scientist requires more than just a steady pipette hand! Qualifications are important but so are your communication skills. We’ve picked out 10 of the most important soft skills that researchers should think about when applying for or taking on a new role in life science…

The 12-Step Guide to Getting the Most From Your Mentors

The 12-Step Guide to Getting the Most From Your Mentors

The mentor-mentee relationship is one of the most important relationships in science, but it takes honesty, compatibility and effective communication to make it work. Professor Stuart Maudsley of the University of Antwerp has mentored students from all walks of life, and shares 12 key pieces of advice to help you get the most from your mentors.

Listen & Learn: How to Start Your Own Science Podcast

Listen & Learn: How to Start Your Own Science Podcast

Want to create your own science podcast but aren’t sure where to start? Dr Elodie Chabrol shares her brilliant collection of tips and tricks to help you get your podcast off the ground and into the ears of science fans around the world…

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Abinaya Chandrasekaran

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Abinaya Chandrasekaran

We’re delighted to introduce our next Early Career Scientist Grant winner! Abinaya Chandrasekaran is a postdoctoral researcher working at the University of Copenhagen in Kristine Freude’s lab, and she told us how our $500 grant will help to support her research.

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Allison McDonald

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Allison McDonald

Congratulations to our latest Early Career Scientist Grant winner! Allison McDonald is a fourth year PhD student working in Nathan Marchant’s lab at the department of Anatomy & Neurosciences in Amsterdam UMC, Netherlands. We found out more about her research and what she plans to spend the grant money on…

Setting up a New Lab: Overcoming Challenges & Celebrating Success

Setting up a New Lab: Overcoming Challenges & Celebrating Success

One year ago, Dr Leonardo Ferreira took his first steps along the tenure track when he set up his own lab at the Medical University of South Carolina, USA. In this guest article, he shares the challenges he faced in year one, his hopes for the future & offers valuable advice for those about to start a lab of their own…

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Applying for Grants and Funding

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Applying for Grants and Funding

What do grant reviewers really look for in a funding application? How can you make your proposal stand out from the crowd? The Life Scientists’ Guide to Applying for Grants and Funding is packed with expert advice to help you submit an outstanding application for life science funding.