
Our EU Office is Celebrating 2 years of Supporting European Scientists!
Nominations Are Open For The Lab Heroes Awards™ 2022!

Nominations Are Open For The Lab Heroes Awards™ 2022!

Calling all life scientists! Our Lab Heroes Awards are back for 2022. These awards are your chance to celebrate the scientists who make a real difference to you, your life, and your work. Find out how to nominate your Lab Hero today!

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Bryony Kennedy

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Bryony Kennedy

We’re delighted to introduce another of our Early Career Scientist Grant winners! Bryony Kennedy is a PhD student at Queen’s University, Belfast, and she told us how our $500 grant will help to fund an overseas symposia trip!

STEM Career Paths for Life Scientists

STEM Career Paths for Life Scientists

Stats show that the number of PhDs awarded each year vastly outweighs the number of tenure track jobs available, so with so few academic positions up for grabs, why do we still think of leaving academia as a failure? Dr Joanne Kamens of The Impact Seat considers the huge variety of career options available to scientists outside of academia, and the skills you need to secure them.

Failure, Resiliency and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Failure, Resiliency and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Scientific career paths are often littered with rejection and setbacks, so how do we find the strength we need to reach our goals? Dr Matthew Caley of Queen Mary University of London shares the challenges he faced on his own career journey, from 6-year-old wannabe pirate to successful skin researcher.

6 Top Science Writing Tips from the Experts

6 Top Science Writing Tips from the Experts

Learning how to write great scientific papers is a skill that all researchers should master, and getting published requires good structure and a compelling story. In this article, Dr Matthew Lloyd & Dr Bronwen Martin share their top tips for science writing success!

Getting Accustomed to Rejection

Getting Accustomed to Rejection

Rejection is a normal part of science, so why don’t we talk about our failures more often? How can we become more accustomed to rejection? In this article, Danielle L Tomasello of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research explores her own experiences of rejection and the importance of resilience in grant writing.

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Lab Sustainability

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Lab Sustainability

How can we make our labs greener? What more could you do to make your lab eco-friendly? In this great new guide, we’ve gathered practical advice from life scientists around the world to help you establish greener habits and push for better sustainability in your lab.

Identifying & Dealing with Burnout in Academia

Identifying & Dealing with Burnout in Academia

Academic careers are often accompanied by pressure and stress, and as scientists it’s vital we learn to spot the signs of burnout long before we reach the point of crisis. In this valuable article, Dragonfly Mental Health offers essential advice on identifying and dealing with burnout in academia.

Podcasts by Scientists: The Lonely Pipette

Podcasts by Scientists: The Lonely Pipette

In the next in our Podcasts by Scientists series, we’re shining the spotlight on The Lonely Pipette! We speak to hosts Renaud and Jonathan to find out more about their brilliant podcast which helps scientists ‘do better science’.