Figure 1. Astrocytes in culture in a cultured rat neuron preparation.
HB7592 stains GFAP in the star shaped projections of an astrocyte. Method: neurons were cultured from E17-E18 rat embryos following established protocols (Martin and Henley, 2004. EMBO, 4749–4759) and fixed with 4% PFA on DIV21. Cells were permeabilized with 0.1% Triton X-100 followed by blocking in 1% BSA, 300mM glycine. HB7592 was incubated overnight (4°C) at a 1:2,000 dilution (0.5µg/ml). This was followed by a one hour incubation with secondary antibody (Polyclonal donkey anti-goat DyLight 594 conjugated, Thermofisher SA5-10088, 1:300 dilution). DAPI (HB0747) was used at 1µg/ml to visualize cell nuclei. For more detail please see our ICC protocol. Images were captured using a Leica SP8 AOBS confocal laser scanning microscope attached to a Leica DM I8 inverted epifluorescence microscope. The image was captured as a tilescan in Lightning deconvolution mode using a 63x objective (4.1x zoom), 405nm (21.1% power, PMT: 512V gain) and 561nm (0.1% power, Hyd: 10% gain) laser lines in a z-stack (0.39µm spacing). The stack was flattened using a maximum Z projection in ImageJ (Schindelin et al., 2012. Nat Methods, 9(7), 676–682).
Figure 2. Astrocyte populations in culture stained by HB7592.
HB7592 stains the populations of glia found in a cultured rat neuron preparation. Method: neurones were cultured from E17-E18 rat embryos following established protocols (Martin and Henley, 2004. EMBO, 4749–4759) and fixed with 4% PFA on DIV21. Cells were permeabilized with 0.1% Triton X-100 followed by blocking in 1% BSA, 300mM glycine. HB7592 was incubated overnight (4°C) at a 1:2,000 dilution (0.5µg/ml). This was followed by a one hour incubation with secondary antibody (Polyclonal donkey anti-goat DyLight 594 conjugated, Thermofisher SA5-10088, 1:300 dilution). DAPI (HB0747) was used at 1µg/ml to visualize cell nuclei. For more detail please see our ICC protocol. Images were captured using a Leica DMI6000B inverted epifluorescence microscope connected to a Photometric Prime 95B camera. The image was captured using a 10x objective (DAPI: 144.1ms, RHO, 57.4ms exposures) in a z-stack (4.3µm spacing). The image was deconvolved in Huygens professional software before the stack was flattened using a maximum Z projection in ImageJ (Schindelin et al., 2012. Nat Methods, 9(7), 676–682).
Figure 3. Astrocytes stained for GFAP with HB7592 in the cerebellum
Rat cerebellum stained by HB7592 for GFAP. Method: Rat brains were dissected and fixed overnight in 4% PFA before then being incubated in 30% sucrose (in PBS) until sunk (approx. 48hrs). A freezing microtome was used to cut 40µm horizontal slices before sections were incubated in 1% NaBH4 for 30 minutes. Sections were blocked in 0.05M glycine, 2% BSA and 3% donkey serum before HB7592 was incubated overnight (4°C) at a 1:2,000 dilution (0.5µg/ml). This was followed by a two hour incubation with secondary antibody (Polyclonal donkey anti-goat DyLight 594 conjugated, Thermofisher SA5-10088, 1:300 dilution). DAPI (HB0747) was used at 1µg/ml to visualise cell nuclei. For more detail please see our IHC(IF) protocol. Images were captured using a Leica DMI6000B inverted epifluorescence microscope connected to a Photometric Prime 95B camera. The image was captured as a tilescan using a 20x objective (DAPI: 106.6ms, Y3: 349.1ms exposures) in a z-stack (2.4µm spacing). The image was deconvolved in Huygens professional software before the stack was flattened using a maximum Z projection in ImageJ (Schindelin et al., 2012. Nat Methods, 9(7), 676–682).
Figure 4. Independent antibody validation of HB7592 and HB6406.
The pattern of staining for HB7592 and HB6406 in the cerebellum overlaps giving strong evidence for specificity. Method: Rat brains were dissected and fixed overnight in 4% PFA before then being incubated in 30% sucrose (in PBS) until sunk (approx. 48hrs). A freezing microtome was used to cut 40µm horizontal slices before sections were incubated in 1% NaBH4 for 30 minutes. Sections were blocked in 0.05M glycine, 2% BSA and 3% donkey serum before HB7592 was incubated overnight (4°C) at a 1:2,000 dilution (0.5µg/ml) with HB6406 also at a 1:2,000 dilution. This was followed by a two hour incubation with secondary antibodies (Polyclonal donkey anti-goat DyLight 594 conjugated, Thermofisher SA5-10088, 1:300 dilution and polyclonal donkey anti-chicken Alexa Fluor 488, Thermofisher A78948, 1:300 dilution). DAPI (HB0747) was used at 1µg/ml to visualise cell nuclei. For more detail please see our IHC(IF) protocol. Images were captured using a Leica DMI6000B inverted epifluorescence microscope connected to a Photometric Prime 95B camera. The image was captured as a tilescan using a 20x objective (DAPI: 106.6ms, GFP: 83.7ms, Y3: 349.1ms exposures) in a z-stack (2.4µm spacing). The image was deconvolved in Huygens professional software before the stack was flattened using a maximum Z projection in ImageJ (Schindelin et al., 2012. Nat Methods, 9(7), 676–682).
Figure 5. Concentration response of HB7592 staining in cultured rat neurons.
HB7592 produces strong staining of astrocytes in rat cerebellum sections at dilutions down to 1:8,000. Method: Rat brains were dissected and fixed overnight in 4% PFA before then being incubated in 30% sucrose (in PBS) until sunk (approx. 48hrs). A freezing microtome was used to cut 40µm horizontal slices before sections were incubated in 1% NaBH4 for 30 minutes. Sections were blocked in 0.05M glycine, 2% BSA and 3% donkey serum before incubation overnight in HB752 dilutions ranging from 1:2,000 to 1:16,000 (0.0625 – 0.5µg/ml). This was followed by a two hour incubation with a polyclonal donkey anti-goat DyLight 594 conjugated secondary antibody (Thermofisher SA5-10088, 1:300 dilution). DAPI (HB0747) was used at 1µg/ml to visualize cell nuclei. For more detail please see our IHC(IF) protocol. Images were captured using a Leica DMI6000B inverted epifluorescence microscope connected to a Photometric Prime 95B camera as a z-stack with a 40x objective before being deconvolved in Huygens professional software and flattened using a maximum Z projection in ImageJ (Schindelin et al., 2012. Nat Methods, 9(7), 676–682).
Exposure times were as follows:
1:2,000: DAPI: 10.0ms, TX2: 38.4ms
1:4,000: DAPI: 10.0ms, TX2: 44.1ms
1:8,000: DAPI: 10.0ms, TX2: 44.1ms
1:16,000: DAPI: 10.0ms, TX2: 94.5ms
Figure 1. Astrocytes in culture in a cultured rat neuron preparation.
HB7592 stains GFAP in the star shaped projections of an astrocyte. Method: neurons were cultured from E17-E18 rat embryos following established protocols (Martin and Henley, 2004. EMBO, 4749–4759) and fixed with 4% PFA on DIV21. Cells were permeabilized with 0.1% Triton X-100 followed by blocking in 1% BSA, 300mM glycine. HB7592 was incubated overnight (4°C) at a 1:2,000 dilution (0.5µg/ml). This was followed by a one hour incubation with secondary antibody (Polyclonal donkey anti-goat DyLight 594 conjugated, Thermofisher SA5-10088, 1:300 dilution). DAPI (HB0747) was used at 1µg/ml to visualize cell nuclei. For more detail please see our ICC protocol. Images were captured using a Leica SP8 AOBS confocal laser scanning microscope attached to a Leica DM I8 inverted epifluorescence microscope. The image was captured as a tilescan in Lightning deconvolution mode using a 63x objective (4.1x zoom), 405nm (21.1% power, PMT: 512V gain) and 561nm (0.1% power, Hyd: 10% gain) laser lines in a z-stack (0.39µm spacing). The stack was flattened using a maximum Z projection in ImageJ (Schindelin et al., 2012. Nat Methods, 9(7), 676–682).
Figure 2. Astrocyte populations in culture stained by HB7592.
HB7592 stains the populations of glia found in a cultured rat neuron preparation. Method: neurones were cultured from E17-E18 rat embryos following established protocols (Martin and Henley, 2004. EMBO, 4749–4759) and fixed with 4% PFA on DIV21. Cells were permeabilized with 0.1% Triton X-100 followed by blocking in 1% BSA, 300mM glycine. HB7592 was incubated overnight (4°C) at a 1:2,000 dilution (0.5µg/ml). This was followed by a one hour incubation with secondary antibody (Polyclonal donkey anti-goat DyLight 594 conjugated, Thermofisher SA5-10088, 1:300 dilution). DAPI (HB0747) was used at 1µg/ml to visualize cell nuclei. For more detail please see our ICC protocol. Images were captured using a Leica DMI6000B inverted epifluorescence microscope connected to a Photometric Prime 95B camera. The image was captured using a 10x objective (DAPI: 144.1ms, RHO, 57.4ms exposures) in a z-stack (4.3µm spacing). The image was deconvolved in Huygens professional software before the stack was flattened using a maximum Z projection in ImageJ (Schindelin et al., 2012. Nat Methods, 9(7), 676–682).
Figure 3. Astrocytes stained for GFAP with HB7592 in the cerebellum
Rat cerebellum stained by HB7592 for GFAP. Method: Rat brains were dissected and fixed overnight in 4% PFA before then being incubated in 30% sucrose (in PBS) until sunk (approx. 48hrs). A freezing microtome was used to cut 40µm horizontal slices before sections were incubated in 1% NaBH4 for 30 minutes. Sections were blocked in 0.05M glycine, 2% BSA and 3% donkey serum before HB7592 was incubated overnight (4°C) at a 1:2,000 dilution (0.5µg/ml). This was followed by a two hour incubation with secondary antibody (Polyclonal donkey anti-goat DyLight 594 conjugated, Thermofisher SA5-10088, 1:300 dilution). DAPI (HB0747) was used at 1µg/ml to visualise cell nuclei. For more detail please see our IHC(IF) protocol. Images were captured using a Leica DMI6000B inverted epifluorescence microscope connected to a Photometric Prime 95B camera. The image was captured as a tilescan using a 20x objective (DAPI: 106.6ms, Y3: 349.1ms exposures) in a z-stack (2.4µm spacing). The image was deconvolved in Huygens professional software before the stack was flattened using a maximum Z projection in ImageJ (Schindelin et al., 2012. Nat Methods, 9(7), 676–682).
Figure 4. Independent antibody validation of HB7592 and HB6406.
The pattern of staining for HB7592 and HB6406 in the cerebellum overlaps giving strong evidence for specificity. Method: Rat brains were dissected and fixed overnight in 4% PFA before then being incubated in 30% sucrose (in PBS) until sunk (approx. 48hrs). A freezing microtome was used to cut 40µm horizontal slices before sections were incubated in 1% NaBH4 for 30 minutes. Sections were blocked in 0.05M glycine, 2% BSA and 3% donkey serum before HB7592 was incubated overnight (4°C) at a 1:2,000 dilution (0.5µg/ml) with HB6406 also at a 1:2,000 dilution. This was followed by a two hour incubation with secondary antibodies (Polyclonal donkey anti-goat DyLight 594 conjugated, Thermofisher SA5-10088, 1:300 dilution and polyclonal donkey anti-chicken Alexa Fluor 488, Thermofisher A78948, 1:300 dilution). DAPI (HB0747) was used at 1µg/ml to visualise cell nuclei. For more detail please see our IHC(IF) protocol. Images were captured using a Leica DMI6000B inverted epifluorescence microscope connected to a Photometric Prime 95B camera. The image was captured as a tilescan using a 20x objective (DAPI: 106.6ms, GFP: 83.7ms, Y3: 349.1ms exposures) in a z-stack (2.4µm spacing). The image was deconvolved in Huygens professional software before the stack was flattened using a maximum Z projection in ImageJ (Schindelin et al., 2012. Nat Methods, 9(7), 676–682).
Figure 5. Concentration response of HB7592 staining in cultured rat neurons.
HB7592 produces strong staining of astrocytes in rat cerebellum sections at dilutions down to 1:8,000. Method: Rat brains were dissected and fixed overnight in 4% PFA before then being incubated in 30% sucrose (in PBS) until sunk (approx. 48hrs). A freezing microtome was used to cut 40µm horizontal slices before sections were incubated in 1% NaBH4 for 30 minutes. Sections were blocked in 0.05M glycine, 2% BSA and 3% donkey serum before incubation overnight in HB752 dilutions ranging from 1:2,000 to 1:16,000 (0.0625 – 0.5µg/ml). This was followed by a two hour incubation with a polyclonal donkey anti-goat DyLight 594 conjugated secondary antibody (Thermofisher SA5-10088, 1:300 dilution). DAPI (HB0747) was used at 1µg/ml to visualize cell nuclei. For more detail please see our IHC(IF) protocol. Images were captured using a Leica DMI6000B inverted epifluorescence microscope connected to a Photometric Prime 95B camera as a z-stack with a 40x objective before being deconvolved in Huygens professional software and flattened using a maximum Z projection in ImageJ (Schindelin et al., 2012. Nat Methods, 9(7), 676–682).
Exposure times were as follows:
1:2,000: DAPI: 10.0ms, TX2: 38.4ms
1:4,000: DAPI: 10.0ms, TX2: 44.1ms
1:8,000: DAPI: 10.0ms, TX2: 44.1ms
1:16,000: DAPI: 10.0ms, TX2: 94.5ms
Product information
Recombinant human GFAP (isoform 1) expressed in and purified from E. coli
Immunogen affinity purification
50% PBS, 50% glycerol + 5mM sodium azide
Predicted species reactivity
Mouse, Rat, Human
Tested species reactivity
Mouse, Rat
Tested applications
IHC(IF) optimal concentration
0.5µg/ml (1:2,000 dilution) as tested in free-floating paraformaldehyde fixed rat brain sections
ICC optimal concentration
0.5µg/ml (1:2,000 dilution) as tested in cultured rat neurones
Positive control
GFAP is highly expressed in neural tissues containing astrocytes. It is not widely expressed in cell lines, however it is in specific lines such as U-87 MG.
Negative control
Most non-neural tissues. Please note that GFAP expression has been reported in a subset of pancreatic and hepatic cells in rats and mice kidney cells. It is generally poorly expressed in common cell lines such as HeLa or HEK293.
GFAP has three confirmed and 21 potential isoforms. Isoform 1 (GFAP alpha): canonical, 49.9kDa; Isoform 2 (GFAP epsilon): amino acid changes between positions 391 and 432, 49.5kDa; Isoform 3 (GFAP kappa): amino acid changes between positions 391 and 432, 50.3kDa
GFAP is primarily expressed within astrocytes of the central nervous system alongside also expressing in non-myelinating Schwann cells of the peripheral nervous system and satellite cells of the peripheral ganglia. GFAP expression has also been reported in Leydig cells of the testis alongside stellate cells from the pancreas and liver in rats.
Subcellular expression
GFAP is a key cytoskeletal component therefore is widely expressed as bundles of GFAP positive fibres.
Following translation, no processing is required for GFAP to reach its active conformation.
Post translational modifications
GFAP is subjected to numerous post-translational modifications including 9 phosphorylation sites which are the target of AURKB and ROCK1 alongside 5 separate citrullination sites.
Homology (compared to human)
Rat, mouse and human GFAP proteins have a 90% similarity score in a direct BLAST comparison.
Similar proteins
Other type III intermediate filament proteins have homology with GFAP including Vimentin (58%), Desmin (59%) and Peripherin (56%) when assessed using BLAST.
Storage & Handling
Storage instructions
This product is for RESEARCH USE ONLY and is not intended for therapeutic or diagnostic use. Not for human or veterinary use
GFAP (Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein) is a marker for astrocytes, which are a type of glial cell in the central nervous system (CNS). GFAP is an intermediate filament protein expressed predominantly in mature astrocytes and is commonly used as a marker in research and diagnostic pathology to identify these cells.
What is the function of GFAP?
Thefunction of GFAP (Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein) is primarily structural and supportive. It is an intermediate filament protein that contributes to the cytoskeletal structure of astrocytes in the central nervous system (CNS).
What is the role of GFAP in neurological diseases?
GFAP (Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein) plays a significant role in various neurological diseases due to its involvement in the structural and functional integrity of astrocytes. Changes in GFAP expression are associated with:
Reactive gliosis in CNS injury, often as a result of acute trauma leading to a glial scar,
Lesions found in multiple sclerosis which have high GFAP expression,
Astrocytomas and Glioblastimas can often express GFAP which can be used as a diagnostic marker
Neurodegeneration is often associated with upregulation of GFAP expression in damaged brain regions.
What mounting media do you recommend to use with this antibody?
We recommend using one of our high performance mounting medias, supplied as either hardset or aqeous with a range of counterstains:
What guarantee do you have that my GFAP antibody will perform as expected?
We guarantee that your GFAP antibody will work for the applications and species we list on the datasheet. If the antibody fails to perform as expected then we are happy to offer a 100% refund guarantee. For more details please see our guarantee policy.
Will my GFAP antibody work against species that have not been listed on the datasheet?
A species not being listed doesn’t mean that the GFAP antibody won’t work, just that we haven’t tested it. If you test one of our antibodies in a new species please let us know (positive or negative)!
What protocols are available for use with this GFAP antibody
We have made a comprehensive collection of protocols that we have used in our experiments to validate this GFAP antibody.