Posts tagged 'dissertation defense'

How To Excel In Your Doctoral Viva (Dissertation Defense)

How To Excel In Your Doctoral Viva (Dissertation Defense)

It’s normal to feel nervous about defending your PhD thesis, but there’s a lot you can do to make the experience less stressful. In this guest article, Dr Stacey Bedwell of King’s College London shares some top viva tips from her forthcoming book, ‘How to Excel in Your Doctoral Viva’.

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Examining Your First Dissertation Defense

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Examining Your First Dissertation Defense

Sitting on your first dissertation defense (or viva) panel is a big responsibility and you’ll want to make sure things go as smoothly as possible for all involved. That’s why we’ve gathered some top tips from seasoned examiners to make sure your first experience on a defense panel is a positive one.

The Recipe for Sweet PhD Success - Part 2

The Recipe for Sweet PhD Success - Part 2

There’s no sugar-coating it. A PhD is a big commitment that requires patience, determination, and an appetite for success! In the second of her brilliant two-part series, Dr Noelia D Falcon of the University of East Anglia shares her recipe for the perfect PhD experience.

Unprecedented: The Story of a Lockdown Viva (Dissertation Defense)

Unprecedented: The Story of a Lockdown Viva (Dissertation Defense)

Defending your doctoral thesis can be a daunting prospect at any time, but doing it via video call is another challenge altogether! Dr. Harry Potter of the University of Edinburgh shares the story of his lockdown PhD defense, and considers the pros and cons of a virtual viva...

Surviving Your PhD Viva / Dissertation Defense

Surviving Your PhD Viva / Dissertation Defense

You've been working hard in the lab for years, you've submitted your PhD thesis, and there is one more hurdle...Our fabulous guest blogger Dr. James Quinn, shares his top tips for surviving your PhD viva (dissertation defense).