Guest Posts

Navigating the PhD to Postdoc Transition

Navigating the PhD to Postdoc Transition

The transition from PhD to postdoc can be a tricky one. To navigate the process smoothly it’s essential to make decisions and start planning as early as you can. Dr Heema Kumari Nilesh Vyas of the University of Sydney shares her PhD to postdoc story and offers 5 top tips to help make your transition as stress-free as possible.

Wifi Troubles: my online science work placement

Wifi Troubles: my online science work placement

Thinking of doing a remote science work placement? Second year undergrad Zelia Almeida Bridges shares the highs and lows of an online work experience project along with her advice for supervisors and students alike…

Parenting and a Science Career: Perspectives of a Mother in Academia

Parenting and a Science Career: Perspectives of a Mother in Academia

Is there ever a ‘good time’ to become a parent? Starting a family while pursuing a career in science can be a real balancing act, but with the right support, it doesn’t have to be impossible. Behavioural neuroscientist Dr. Justyna Hinchcliffe of the University of Bristol shares her advice, tips for funding and experiences of juggling parenthood whilst pursuing a career in academia...

Unprecedented: The Story of a Lockdown Viva (Dissertation Defense)

Unprecedented: The Story of a Lockdown Viva (Dissertation Defense)

Defending your doctoral thesis can be a daunting prospect at any time, but doing it via video call is another challenge altogether! Dr. Harry Potter of the University of Edinburgh shares the story of his lockdown PhD defense, and considers the pros and cons of a virtual viva...

To Sustainability and Beyond: Becoming a Green Lab Superhero

To Sustainability and Beyond: Becoming a Green Lab Superhero

You don’t need real superpowers to start reducing waste or conserving energy in your lab… even a mild-mannered PhD candidate can make a difference! Oisín C. Joyce of Trinity College Dublin took on the challenge when he joined the ranks of a Green Lab committee, and made it his mission to put lab sustainability first…

Co-op During COVID-19: An Undergrad’s Experience

Co-op During COVID-19: An Undergrad’s Experience

When undergraduate student Elizabeth Ethier landed her dream co-op position at the Alzheimer’s Clinical and Translational Research Unit in Boston, she was excited for the new challenges it would bring. But navigating an in-person work placement during a global pandemic would prove to be a different challenge altogether…

Dealing With Feelings Of Inadequacy During Your Research Career

Dealing With Feelings Of Inadequacy During Your Research Career

Feelings of inadequacy will affect most of us at some point in our lives, and the pressure of a PhD can trigger ‘imposter syndrome’ in even the most confident of researchers. Pearl Akazue, a PhD Fellow at the University of Ghana reflects on her first few days as a PhD student, and shares some valuable advice on overcoming negative feelings...

Views: 4049
On a Mission to Write Like a Scientist – and a Poet

On a Mission to Write Like a Scientist – and a Poet

After being told she didn't write like a "typical scientist", Dr. Lucka Bibic set out on a mission to adapt her writing style while maintaining her passion for poetic prose. In this wonderful guest article, Lucka explains why you don’t need to sound like a typical scientist in order to be one...

Tips for Presenting Research on Zoom

Tips for Presenting Research on Zoom

With COVID-19 restrictions continuing and in-person conferences still on hold, it seems that virtual presentations will be the norm for some time to come. Here, Sophie Prosolek shares valuable tips on how to share scientific research via Zoom effectively.

Christmas gifts for scientists – my Santa list

Christmas gifts for scientists – my Santa list

Looking for the perfect gift for that special scientist in your life? Elodie Chabrol gives her top Christmas gift ideas for scientists - enjoy!