Support for Scientists

A Plastic Brain and the Malleability of Bias: Using Neuroscience to Address Underrepresentation in STEM

A Plastic Brain and the Malleability of Bias: Using Neuroscience to Address Underrepresentation in STEM

Mackenzie Lemieux, from the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and founder of SAID in STEM, shares her thoughts and insights on how we can use neuroscience to address underrepresentation in STEM - find out about SAID, bias in STEM and what we can do about it, in this fascinating article...

Five Essential Tips for Writing Scientific Papers

Five Essential Tips for Writing Scientific Papers

Struggling to get your paper published? Jasmine Pickford from the University of Bristol shares some top tips for early career researchers...

How To Be A Brilliant Science Communicator

How To Be A Brilliant Science Communicator

Looking for the best advice and top tips on presentation skills and public speaking? The inspirational Dr Emily Grossman gave a fantastic presentation skills workshop at ENCODS2019 - find out what she said and take that first step to becoming a brilliant science communicator yourself...

Views: 40855
Writing a Winning Travel Grant Application

Writing a Winning Travel Grant Application

Cancer researcher and blogger Kate Secombe shares her tips and tricks to give you the best chance of winning a travel grant...

How do you get started in science writing?

How do you get started in science writing?

In this article, fantastic guest blogger James Howe shares his advice and experience, and offers tips for academics in STEM hoping to get into science writing...

Surviving Your PhD Viva / Dissertation Defense

Surviving Your PhD Viva / Dissertation Defense

You've been working hard in the lab for years, you've submitted your PhD thesis, and there is one more hurdle...Our fabulous guest blogger Dr. James Quinn, shares his top tips for surviving your PhD viva (dissertation defense).

The Importance of Mentoring in Science & Tips for New Mentors

The Importance of Mentoring in Science & Tips for New Mentors

Many of us are asked to mentor someone in the lab - but do you know what's involved, and do you have the right skills? Read this article, by our fabulous guest blogger Dr Maria Velasco - she shares her experience on the value of mentoring, together with some top tips for first timers...

Seeing Yourself In Science: Reflections Of An Undergraduate

Seeing Yourself In Science: Reflections Of An Undergraduate

Our amazing guest blogger Jess Walsh shares her thoughts, wisdom and experience on the issues surrounding diversity in STEM.

Scientific Papers: Tips For More Productive Writing

Scientific Papers: Tips For More Productive Writing

Do you find it challenging to write scientific papers? Or perhaps you struggle to stay motivated, when there are so many other demands on your time? Our fabulous guest blogger Maria Montefinese, from the University of Padova and University College London, shares her top tips for improving the output of your scientific writing...

Why strong leadership is vital for great science (and how to create it in your lab)

Why strong leadership is vital for great science (and how to create it in your lab)

Why do we need strong leadership in our labs, and how can we achieve it? Read Lab Heroes AwardTM nominee Jaana van Gastel's illuminating article.