Support for Scientists

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Working Remotely

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Working Remotely

Like many professions, life scientists are finding themselves in an unprecedented situation right now as the COVID-19 pandemic impacts scientific research around the world. We've spoken to some members of our life science community in the UK, USA and Europe to find out what the impact on their research has been, how they’re planning on spending their time away from the lab productively, what they’ve learned from this global situation, and what words of advice and encouragement they have for fellow scientists around the world.

Views: 20153
Covid-19: Practical Advice for Researchers

Covid-19: Practical Advice for Researchers

With all of the uncertainty around the world at this time, we want to do our very best to ensure that researchers around the world will still have access to our products, protecting the continuity and integrity of their research, where they are still able to do it. We have compiled some FAQs that might help to address some of your immediate practical concerns...

From PhD to Parliament: What I’ve Learned Since Finishing My Science PhD

From PhD to Parliament: What I’ve Learned Since Finishing My Science PhD

Finishing your PhD? Maybe contemplating a career outside of academia? Dr. Sophie Millar shares the lessons she's learnt since finishing her PhD, and gives some insights that might help you embark upon an adventure beyond the lab...

Engaging the Public, Patients and the Next Generation with Your Science

Engaging the Public, Patients and the Next Generation with Your Science

What resources are available to help scientists engage and communicate with public and patient audiences? Dr. Chloe Thomas shares her experience and offers valuable practical advice and information on what support is available, and how you can make the most of it.

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Writing Scientific Papers

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Writing Scientific Papers

Need advice on writing a scientific paper? For a lot of scientists the task of putting pen to paper can feel daunting. To help you prepare and write your next scientific paper with ease, we’ve spoken to our fantastic community of life scientists around the world and put together this Life Scientist's Guide to Writing Scientific Papers. Enjoy!

Views: 18900
Should I do an Internship Abroad? The Whys and Why Nots

Should I do an Internship Abroad? The Whys and Why Nots

Are you considering an internship abroad? Jolien Hendrix from University of Antwerp shares her advice to help you decide whether or not it's right for you...

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Lab Intern... From An Intern’s Perspective

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Lab Intern... From An Intern’s Perspective

With the right planning and preparation, a lab intern can be a truly valuable asset. Here, Joris Van Meenen from the University of Antwerp shares his practical tips on how you can get the most from your intern, whilst ensuring that both your new recruit and the lab reap the rewards!

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Presenting at Conferences

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Presenting at Conferences

How do you cope with nerves when presenting at a conference? What's the best way to practise giving your presentation? And how do you write your content? The Life Scientists' Guide to Presenting at Conferences is packed full of advice from experts, as well as some excellent tips from our community of scientists - helping you deliver your next scientific presentation with confidence and flair!

Views: 16956
10 Tips to Create More Efficiency in the Lab

10 Tips to Create More Efficiency in the Lab

Trying to improve your efficiency in the lab? Hanne Leyson, from the University of Antwerp shares some great advice on how to work smarter, not harder in the laboratory...

Sailing Through Your PhD Thesis: Writing Tips

Sailing Through Your PhD Thesis: Writing Tips

Looking for tips on writing your PhD thesis / dissertation? Dr Zeinab Leila Asgarian from University College London shares her advice on how to write your dissertation, and even enjoy the process!