Articles by Sam Roome PhD

Customer profile: Kasper B. Hansen

Customer profile: Kasper B. Hansen

Hello Bio customer Kasper B. Hansen is an Assistant Professor, working in the Department of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Montana. Kasper has shared with us some information about his research and ambitions...

Views: 115944
Travel award winner: Carmen Coxon

Travel award winner: Carmen Coxon

Back in April 2015, Carmen Coxon was one of our first Hello Bio travel award winners. We caught up with her to find out how she got on at her conference...

CNQX Disodium Salt - the Movie!

CNQX Disodium Salt - the Movie!

Watch the latest Hello Bio Blockbuster! Oscars here we come...

Views: 328222
Come and see us at the BNA Festival of Neuroscience!

Come and see us at the BNA Festival of Neuroscience!

Hello Bio is supporting international neuroscientists by exhibiting at BNA2017: Festival of Neuroscience. James Flanaghan, Hello Bio's Head of Product Development will be at stand no. 14, to chat to you about our latest products and offers, and more importantly to send you on your way with a free Hello Bio goody bag!

Views: 186101
Customer profile: Alen Eapen

Customer profile: Alen Eapen

Hello Bio customer Alen Eapen is a second year PhD student, working under the supervision of Professor David Jane, at the University of Bristol. We chatted to him, to find out more about his research and ambitions...

Ten common lab mistakes!

Ten common lab mistakes!

We know how difficult it is starting a PhD, or as a post-doc in a new lab. There is much to remember, new protocols, new systems and new techniques to get to grips with. We asked a sample of researchers from a variety of labs - including PhD students, post-docs and lab heads to tell us about their experiences, and the mistakes that are most commonly made. Here's what they said...

Views: 69471