
Our Top 10 Science Podcasts

Our Top 10 Science Podcasts

On a long commute or while you’re pipetting in the lab, tuning in to learn something new while being entertained is a great way to pass the time. Give your eyes a well-earned break, open your ears and tune in - here are our top 10 science podcasts...

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Walking With "Them": The Academic Elites

Walking With "Them": The Academic Elites

A frank and thought-provoking look at the challenges faced by a 'working-class' PhD student. Guest blog author Summer Rosonovski highlights some of the struggles of social mobility in academia, and the progress academia must make to retain talented working class scientists...

Interviews with Scientists: Emanuela Bottani

Interviews with Scientists: Emanuela Bottani

Dr Emanuela Bottani works at the University of Verona, Italy, studying mitochondrial function in neural stem cell development and spinal cord injury. We were delighted that she took time out to chat to us about her work, her career so far, her excellent advice for early-career scientists, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on her research.

Promoting Diversity In STEM Online

Promoting Diversity In STEM Online

How we can better promote diversity in STEM online? Mackenzie Lemieux and Rebecca Zhang discuss how they discovered the power of Wikipedia - how it can be used to increase the representation of women in STEM, and leave a lasting impact on current and future generations of STEM leaders.

Interviews with Scientists: Severn B. Churn

Interviews with Scientists: Severn B. Churn

We were delighted to talk to Dr. Severn B. Churn (Ben), program director at NINDS, USA. We spoke to Ben about his current work and what his role involves, his lifelong interest in science, his advice for scientists thinking about pursuing a career outside of academia, and more...

Building Resilience in Scientific Research & Academia

Building Resilience in Scientific Research & Academia

In a very simple approach, Dr. Enitome Bafor explains what resilience means to her and how through different setbacks, resilience can help you succeed in your research, and make progress despite the odds!

Interviews with Scientists: Eugene Eng Leng Saw

Interviews with Scientists: Eugene Eng Leng Saw

In our next Interviews with Scientists, we were delighted to speak with Dr Eugene Eng Leng Shaw from Boston University. We caught up with him to hear about his research on the heart, how COVID-19 has affected him, his advice for PhD students and more...

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Peer Reviewing Scientific Papers

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Peer Reviewing Scientific Papers

Peer reviewing your first scientific paper? Just thinking about it? Or perhaps looking to refresh your skills? This essential guide gives detailed and straightforward advice to help scientists review their first manuscript, and also to help those who simply want to refresh their paper-reviewing skills.

Interviews with Scientists: Sonia Shah

Interviews with Scientists: Sonia Shah

It was great to catch up with past travel award winner Sonia Shah recently and speak to her more about her current research, passion for science, the biggest lessons she’s learned in her career so far, and more...

Interviews with Scientists: Myrthe Mampay

Interviews with Scientists: Myrthe Mampay

Myrthe Mampay is investigating the impact of psychological and pathological stress on synaptic plasticity and cognitive function at the Centre of Stress and Age-Related Disease (STRAND) at the University of Brighton, UK . We chatted to Myrthe to find out more about her work, what she does when she’s not stressing out about researching the effects of stress and more...