TracerbiotinTM has the same structure as the widely used neurobiotin®. It is a neuroanatomical tracer which is commonly used to label neurons and acts as a gap junction tracer. Low cytotoxicity and high stability. Suitable for use in vivo, slice preparations, whole mounts and cultured cells and can be delivered by routes such as microinjection, intracellular electrodes, cut and scrape loading. Can be detected using avidin or streptavidin systems, by both chromogenic or fluorescence visualization methods and can be fixed with formalin or glutaraldehyde. Non-toxic, remains in cells longer, is more efficiently iontophoresed and has better solubility than biocytin and other neuronal labels. Neurobiotin® is a trademark of Vector Laboratories
Solubility & Handling
Storage instructions
Solubility overview
soluble in water or DMSO
This product is for RESEARCH USE ONLY and is not intended for therapeutic or diagnostic use. Not for human or veterinary use.