Posts tagged 'science communication'

How To Be A Brilliant Science Communicator

How To Be A Brilliant Science Communicator

Looking for the best advice and top tips on presentation skills and public speaking? The inspirational Dr Emily Grossman gave a fantastic presentation skills workshop at ENCODS2019 - find out what she said and take that first step to becoming a brilliant science communicator yourself...

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Why We Need ‘Credibility in Neuroscience’

Why We Need ‘Credibility in Neuroscience’

Currently, within neuroscience, there's a huge pressure to publish as much research as possible, as quickly as possible, and to make findings as newsworthy as possible. Georgina Hazell, Head of Policy and Campaigns, British Neuroscience Association tells us why we must ensure the credibility of research – that it is reproducible, replicable, and reliable.

Improving public understanding of science

Improving public understanding of science

From climate change, to vaccines, astrology to cancer research - how can we improve the public understanding of science? Why are some of the public misunderstanding and what can we do about it? For some answers, read this thoughtful, insightful and honest Hello Bio Blog article by Birmingham University's Ella Courtie and Mann Virdee.

The Importance of Science Communication

The Importance of Science Communication

Are you any good at communicating what you do? And why is communicating science so important? Our amazing guest blogger Dr. Chinmaya Sadangi shares his thoughts on why communicating about science, online and ‘out there’ in world, is vital, and how it can make a difference to your own research. Find out more...