Posts tagged 'science communication'

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Organizing Events & Conferences

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Organizing Events & Conferences

So you’ve been asked to help organize your institute or organization’s next science conference, but you’re a scientist - not an event planner! So where do you begin? Whether you are organizing a half day local symposium or a week long international event, this guide is a great place to start, with lots of detailed advice to help bring your science event to life!

Listen & Learn: How to Start Your Own Science Podcast

Listen & Learn: How to Start Your Own Science Podcast

Want to create your own science podcast but aren’t sure where to start? Dr Elodie Chabrol shares her brilliant collection of tips and tricks to help you get your podcast off the ground and into the ears of science fans around the world…

Event Preview: Pint of Science 2022

Event Preview: Pint of Science 2022

The global Pint of Science scicomm festival returns this month (9-11 May), with science talks and workshops taking place in pubs, cafes and informal spaces in over 500 cities around the world. We spoke to three UK volunteers plus international director Elodie Chabrol to find out why they got involved with Pint of Science.

Top 10 Trending Articles for Life Scientists

Top 10 Trending Articles for Life Scientists

The Hello Bio blog is five years old and we’re celebrating by taking a look back at our ten most popular articles of all-time! From fun science memes to PhD productivity… these are the most viewed blogs from our first five years of online publishing!

On a Mission to Write Like a Scientist – and a Poet

On a Mission to Write Like a Scientist – and a Poet

After being told she didn't write like a "typical scientist", Dr. Lucka Bibic set out on a mission to adapt her writing style while maintaining her passion for poetic prose. In this wonderful guest article, Lucka explains why you don’t need to sound like a typical scientist in order to be one...

Tips for Presenting Research on Zoom

Tips for Presenting Research on Zoom

With COVID-19 restrictions continuing and in-person conferences still on hold, it seems that virtual presentations will be the norm for some time to come. Here, Sophie Prosolek shares valuable tips on how to share scientific research via Zoom effectively.

Facts & Reasons: a rising platform which fights scientific misinformation

Facts & Reasons: a rising platform which fights scientific misinformation

Facts & Reasons is a platform that fights scientific misinformation by investigating and explaining the truth behind click-bait “science” articles in mass media. We spoke to the cofounders Kamil Wolanin and Ambra Villani to find out more...

Engaging the Public, Patients and the Next Generation with Your Science

Engaging the Public, Patients and the Next Generation with Your Science

What resources are available to help scientists engage and communicate with public and patient audiences? Dr. Chloe Thomas shares her experience and offers valuable practical advice and information on what support is available, and how you can make the most of it.

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Writing Scientific Papers

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Writing Scientific Papers

Need advice on writing a scientific paper? For a lot of scientists the task of putting pen to paper can feel daunting. To help you prepare and write your next scientific paper with ease, we’ve spoken to our fantastic community of life scientists around the world and put together this Life Scientist's Guide to Writing Scientific Papers. Enjoy!

Views: 18899
The Life Scientists’ Guide to Presenting at Conferences

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Presenting at Conferences

How do you cope with nerves when presenting at a conference? What's the best way to practise giving your presentation? And how do you write your content? The Life Scientists' Guide to Presenting at Conferences is packed full of advice from experts, as well as some excellent tips from our community of scientists - helping you deliver your next scientific presentation with confidence and flair!

Views: 16955