Posts tagged 'Interviews with Scientists'

Interviews with Scientists: Rachael Guenter

Interviews with Scientists: Rachael Guenter

In the next in our Interviews with Scientists series we spoke to Rachael Guenter, a cancer researcher at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA. Rachel told us about her experiences working in both academia and industry, and shares words of advice for young scientists.

Interviews with Scientists: Dr Lucka Bibic

Interviews with Scientists: Dr Lucka Bibic

In the next in our Interviews with Scientists series we caught up with Dr Lucka Bibic, a content product manager with Labster! She told us all about her current role and offers advice for those wishing to pursue alternative STEM careers.

60 Seconds With… Professor Bryan Roth

60 Seconds With… Professor Bryan Roth

Bryan Roth is a professor in the Department of Pharmacology at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. We caught up with him to ask a few quick questions about his current research and his upcoming appearance as guest speaker at the Psych Symposium in London.

Interviews with Scientists: Shane Hellyer

Interviews with Scientists: Shane Hellyer

In the next in our Interviews with Scientists series we spoke to Shane Hellyer, a senior postdoc at Monash University, Australia. We chatted about his current research, his passion for science writing, and his childhood fascination with pharmacists!

Interviews with Scientists: Jonas Teuwen

Interviews with Scientists: Jonas Teuwen

In the next in our Interviews with Scientists series we spoke to Jonas Teuwen of the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam. He recently spoke openly about living with bipolar disorder and the impact this had on his PhD studies. We were moved by his honesty and wanted to find out more about his thoughts on the subject…

Interviews with Scientists: Beata Mierzwa

Interviews with Scientists: Beata Mierzwa

In the next in our Interviews with Scientists series, we spoke to molecular biologist Beata Mierzwa who has found a unique way to combine her artistic flair with her passion for science, creating fashion, artwork, and even a science-themed video game!

Interviews with Scientists: Pedro Resende

Interviews with Scientists: Pedro Resende

Pedro Resende is a life sciences researcher at i3S in Portugal, and the co-founder of Chaperone, an online marketplace for science career development. We spoke to Pedro about his career so far, his transition from academia to industry, and the motivation behind the Chaperone project.

Interviews with Scientists: Khara Ramos

Interviews with Scientists: Khara Ramos

It’s Brain Awareness Week (14-20 March) and we’ve been lucky enough to speak with Khara Ramos of the Dana Foundation to find out more about her role as VP of Neuroscience within Society, her thoughts on current life science issues, and the aims of the Brain Awareness Week campaign…

Interviews with Scientists: Allison Coffin

Interviews with Scientists: Allison Coffin

Allison Coffin is an associate professor of neuroscience at Washington State University Vancouver, USA, and the co-founder and president of Science Talk. We spoke to Allison about her career so far, and found more about the upcoming Science Talk 22 conference…

Interviews with Scientists: Joana Ferreira

Interviews with Scientists: Joana Ferreira

Joana Ferreira is an assistant investigator at the Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology in Portugal. She was recently awarded a Young Investigators Grant to assist her research into trans-synaptic signaling, and we spoke to her about the grant and her future career plans…