Posts tagged 'Award Winners'

Travel Award Winner Morgan Zipperly

Travel Award Winner Morgan Zipperly

Our June travel award winner is MD/PhD student Morgan Zipperly, a MD/PhD student working in Jeremy Day’s Lab at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. The award will help to fund Morgan's trip to the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Cellular Biology of Addiction course at the University of Cambridge. Find out more about Morgan and her plans...

Travel Award Winner Ma'ayan Gadot

Travel Award Winner Ma'ayan Gadot

Our May travel award winner is PhD student Ma'ayan Gadot, working in Prof. Hamutal Slovin's Lab at Gonda brain research center, Bar-Ilan University, Israel. She investigates the neural mechanisms underlining depth perception and the award will help to fund her trip to SfN's 48th annual meeting.Find out more about Ma'ayan and her plans...

Travel Award Winner Ayse Özge Sungur

Travel Award Winner Ayse Özge Sungur

Our April travel award winner is Ayse Özge Sungur, a researcher working in Professor Schwarting’s Lab at Philipps-University of Marburg in Germany. Ayse is attending an EBBS satellite meeting at FENS in Berlin...

Travel Award Winner Shaunik Sharma

Travel Award Winner Shaunik Sharma

Our March travel award winner is Shaunik Sharma, a researcher working in Professor Thippeswamy’s Lab at Iowa State University, USA. Shaunik is attending the fascinating 2018 CounterACT conference. Read more about this conference, and what this win means to Shaunik...

Travel Award Winner Maria Velasco

Travel Award Winner Maria Velasco

Our February travel award winner is Maria Velasco, a final year PhD student working in Prof. Kumlesh K. Dev's Lab, at Trinity College Dublin. Read more about her win...

Travel Award Winner Jyoti Gautam

Travel Award Winner Jyoti Gautam

Our January travel award winner is Jyoti Gautam, a researcher working in Dr Yao's Lab at The University of Georgia, USA. Find out about her win...

Travel Award Winner Laura Kervezee

Travel Award Winner Laura Kervezee

Our December travel award winner is Laura Kervezee, a researcher working at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute at McGill University, USA in Diane Boivin’s Lab. Find out about her win...

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards Runner-Up: Pinggan Li

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards Runner-Up: Pinggan Li

Time to meet our second runner-up in the Lab Heroes Awards 2017! Of the many brilliant awards entries we received, our Scientific Advisory Board felt that Pinggan Li’s nomination really stood out...

Travel Award Winner Jennifer Martin

Travel Award Winner Jennifer Martin

Our November travel award winner is Jennifer Martin, a PhD student working in David Dietz’s Lab at SUNY at Buffalo. Find out about her win...

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards Runner-Up: Vanessa Charrier

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards Runner-Up: Vanessa Charrier

While it was a tough decision to choose just three scientists from all the amazing Lab Heroes Awards entries we received, our Scientific Advisory Board selected Vanessa Charrier of Inserm, France as one of our two first runners-up. Find out more about her!