Guest Posts

From PhD to Parliament: What I’ve Learned Since Finishing My Science PhD

From PhD to Parliament: What I’ve Learned Since Finishing My Science PhD

Finishing your PhD? Maybe contemplating a career outside of academia? Dr. Sophie Millar shares the lessons she's learnt since finishing her PhD, and gives some insights that might help you embark upon an adventure beyond the lab...

Engaging the Public, Patients and the Next Generation with Your Science

Engaging the Public, Patients and the Next Generation with Your Science

What resources are available to help scientists engage and communicate with public and patient audiences? Dr. Chloe Thomas shares her experience and offers valuable practical advice and information on what support is available, and how you can make the most of it.

Your Research: How To Be InCredible

Your Research: How To Be InCredible

Dr Georgina Hazell from the British Neuroscience Association (BNA) talks us through how to make our research InCredible, and what that means for neuroscientists...

Should I do an Internship Abroad? The Whys and Why Nots

Should I do an Internship Abroad? The Whys and Why Nots

Are you considering an internship abroad? Jolien Hendrix from University of Antwerp shares her advice to help you decide whether or not it's right for you...

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Lab Intern... From An Intern’s Perspective

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Lab Intern... From An Intern’s Perspective

With the right planning and preparation, a lab intern can be a truly valuable asset. Here, Joris Van Meenen from the University of Antwerp shares his practical tips on how you can get the most from your intern, whilst ensuring that both your new recruit and the lab reap the rewards!

10 Tips to Create More Efficiency in the Lab

10 Tips to Create More Efficiency in the Lab

Trying to improve your efficiency in the lab? Hanne Leyson, from the University of Antwerp shares some great advice on how to work smarter, not harder in the laboratory...

Sailing Through Your PhD Thesis: Writing Tips

Sailing Through Your PhD Thesis: Writing Tips

Looking for tips on writing your PhD thesis / dissertation? Dr Zeinab Leila Asgarian from University College London shares her advice on how to write your dissertation, and even enjoy the process!

A Plastic Brain and the Malleability of Bias: Using Neuroscience to Address Underrepresentation in STEM

A Plastic Brain and the Malleability of Bias: Using Neuroscience to Address Underrepresentation in STEM

Mackenzie Lemieux, from the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and founder of SAID in STEM, shares her thoughts and insights on how we can use neuroscience to address underrepresentation in STEM - find out about SAID, bias in STEM and what we can do about it, in this fascinating article...

Five Essential Tips for Writing Scientific Papers

Five Essential Tips for Writing Scientific Papers

Struggling to get your paper published? Jasmine Pickford from the University of Bristol shares some top tips for early career researchers...

Why We Need ‘Credibility in Neuroscience’

Why We Need ‘Credibility in Neuroscience’

Currently, within neuroscience, there's a huge pressure to publish as much research as possible, as quickly as possible, and to make findings as newsworthy as possible. Georgina Hazell, Head of Policy and Campaigns, British Neuroscience Association tells us why we must ensure the credibility of research – that it is reproducible, replicable, and reliable.