Scientist Interviews

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2021 Highly Commended Nominees: Naciye Magusali

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2021 Highly Commended Nominees: Naciye Magusali

Meet another of our Lab Heroes AwardsTM 2021 Highly Commended nominees, Naciye Magusali, who was nominated by her colleague for her single-minded dedication to Alzheimer’s research throughout the COVID-19 pandemic…

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2021 Winners: Danica Budinščak

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2021 Winners: Danica Budinščak

Meet the second of our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2021 Winners, Danica Budinščak! Danica was nominated by her colleagues for her patience, her positive attitude and her expertise in neurohistology…

Views: 279
Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2021 Winners: Jagannath Maharana

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2021 Winners: Jagannath Maharana

Meet the first of our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2021 Winners, Jagannath Maharana! Jags was nominated by his colleagues for his creativity, versatility and willingness to ‘go the extra mile’ in the lab…

Views: 446
Interviews with Scientists: Carla D'Avanzo

Interviews with Scientists: Carla D'Avanzo

Carla D’Avanzo is a Senior Research Alliance Manager at the Mass General Research Institute, Boston. We spoke to her about her current role, her passion for STEM youth work, the importance of science communication and more.

Views: 545
Interviews with Scientists: Jazmine I. Benjamin

Interviews with Scientists: Jazmine I. Benjamin

Jazmine I. Benjamin is a Biomedical Sciences PhD candidate at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA. We spoke to Jazmine about her current research, her thoughts on diversity in science and her passion for science communication.

Views: 325
Interviews with Scientists: Dr Enitome Bafor

Interviews with Scientists: Dr Enitome Bafor

Dr Enitome Bafor is a postdoctoral research fellow at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and was the overall winner of our Lab Heroes Awards in 2018. We caught up with Enitome to find out how her career is progressing and what she is working on currently.

Views: 1360
Podcasts by Scientists: Science Rehashed

Podcasts by Scientists: Science Rehashed

Looking for a new science podcast to listen to? We’ve got plenty of recommendations in our Podcasts by Scientists series! This time we’re taking a closer look at Science Rehashed, a podcast dedicated to making science and scientific breakthroughs more accessible.

Views: 501
Interviews with Scientists: Raphael Goutaudier

Interviews with Scientists: Raphael Goutaudier

Raphael Goutaudier is a third year PhD student at the Grenoble Institute of Neurosciences in France. We spoke to him about his current research into addiction, his future career plans and the lessons he has learned so far.

Views: 791
Interviews with Scientists: Professor Emma Robinson

Interviews with Scientists: Professor Emma Robinson

Emma Robinson is Professor of Psychopharmacology at the University of Bristol, and organiser of the Bristol Neuroscience Festival. We spoke to Emma about her current research, her passion for animals, her advice for early career life scientists, and much more

Views: 1397
Interviews with Scientists: Emiliano Cocco

Interviews with Scientists: Emiliano Cocco

Dr. Emiliano Cocco is an Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Miami. We spoke to Emiliano about his current role, the lessons he has learned in his career so far, and the challenges of setting up his own lab.

Views: 1751