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Clozapine N-oxide (water soluble) - all your questions answered!

Clozapine N-oxide (water soluble) - all your questions answered!

How long does clozapine N-oxide stay stable in solution? What is the best way to solublise it? Is it light sensitive? Our chemists have been hard at work - carrying out detailed investigations into the solubility and stability of Clozapine N-oxide (water soluble). The result is worth reading - an exclusive technical review on Clozapine N-oxide (water soluble). It aims to answer all your questions on solubility, storage and handling, including results from our in-house tests, and guidelines on use in the lab...

Views: 210972
Scientist Approved

Scientist Approved

Our products are of the highest quality, and performance, and used by scientists around the world - but how do you know that? To give you that extra level of reassurance, look out for our ‘Scientist Approved' seal - a stamp of approval by real scientists, and a further mark of our scientific integrity...

Views: 25039
CNQX Disodium Salt - the Movie!

CNQX Disodium Salt - the Movie!

Watch the latest Hello Bio Blockbuster! Oscars here we come...

Views: 328221