Articles by Sam Roome PhD

10 Funny Science Songs You Need To Hear

10 Funny Science Songs You Need To Hear

Who can resist a comedy song - especially the ones that are science-themed! We’ve picked out the 10 funny science songs that make us chuckle the most. From postdoc problems to the life of Charles Darwin, we guarantee these hilarious parodies will put a smile on your face!

Views: 12222
Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Yvan Vachez

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Yvan Vachez

Meet our latest Early Career Scientist Grant winner! Yvan is a post-doctoral fellow at Washington University in St Louis, USA, working in the Creed Lab. Find out more about Yvan, and what he plans to spend his grant money on...

Views: 863
Interviews with Scientists: Professor Emma Robinson

Interviews with Scientists: Professor Emma Robinson

Emma Robinson is Professor of Psychopharmacology at the University of Bristol, and organiser of the Bristol Neuroscience Festival. We spoke to Emma about her current research, her passion for animals, her advice for early career life scientists, and much more

Views: 1402
Interviews with Scientists: Emiliano Cocco

Interviews with Scientists: Emiliano Cocco

Dr. Emiliano Cocco is an Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Miami. We spoke to Emiliano about his current role, the lessons he has learned in his career so far, and the challenges of setting up his own lab.

Views: 1751
Interviews with Scientists: Maria Faleeva

Interviews with Scientists: Maria Faleeva

Maria Faleeva is a cardiovascular research PhD student at Kings College London, and the creator of Your Lab Partner, a new mobile app which aims to support lab scientists and researchers with their day-to-day work. We spoke to Maria to find out more about the app and how it came about...

Views: 1056
The Life Scientists’ Guide to Applying for Postdocs

The Life Scientists’ Guide to Applying for Postdocs

So you’ve nearly submitted your PhD dissertation, but what next? If you’re looking to apply for a postdoc position, there’s a lot to consider. That’s why we’ve put together The Life Scientists’ Guide to Applying for Postdocs, containing fantastic advice from experienced scientists to help you take that next step on your life science journey.

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Prashanth Thevkar

Meet our Early Career Scientist Grant Winner Prashanth Thevkar

Meet our latest Early Career Scientist Grant winner! Prashanth is a post-doctoral researcher at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre. Find out more about Prashanth, and what he plans to spend his grant money on...

Interviews with Scientists: Andy Billinton

Interviews with Scientists: Andy Billinton

Andy Billinton is a Senior Director in Therapeutics & Translational Neuroscience at NodThera Ltd. We spoke to Andy about a typical work day at NodThera Ltd, and he shares some useful advice for those thinking of moving from academia to industry...

Interviews with Scientists: Pearl Akazue

Interviews with Scientists: Pearl Akazue

Pearl Akazue is a biochemist and a PhD Fellow at WACCBIP, Ghana. She is also a lecturer, and a science and lifestyle blogger, and we spoke to her about her PhD research, her early interest in medicine, and her passion for writing...

Interviews with Scientists: Leonardo Ferreira

Interviews with Scientists: Leonardo Ferreira

Leonardo Ferreira is an Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Immunology. He recently set up his own lab at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) and we were lucky enough to speak in detail with him about his current research and some of the important lessons he has learned in his career so far...