
To Science, or Not To Science? Alternative Careers For PhDs

To Science, or Not To Science? Alternative Careers For PhDs

Contemplating life and a career after a science PhD can be daunting - do you stay in academia? Do you even stay in science? Our wonderful guest blogger Lucka Bibic shares her thoughts...

Why Scientists Need Great Mentors

Why Scientists Need Great Mentors

Why are mentors important for scientists? What makes a great one? Read this illuminating article by our inspiring guest blogger Stuart Maudsley, Group Leader of the Translational Neurobiology Group and Adjunct Department Director of the VIB Center for Molecular Neurology at the University of Antwerp.

“I can’t believe they’re letting me write this blog”: Imposter Syndrome, Science, and the Rest of the World

“I can’t believe they’re letting me write this blog”: Imposter Syndrome, Science, and the Rest of the World

Do you ever feel like a fake or a phony? Ever feel insecure and doubt yourself, often despite evidence to the contrary? Then read our blog post on Imposter Syndrome, by the amazingly talented Brittany Berdy...

The Life Scientist’s Guide To Promoting Yourself and Your Work

The Life Scientist’s Guide To Promoting Yourself and Your Work

Promoting yourself and your work is an important part of any life scientists’ career, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. To help get you started, we’ve put together The Life Scientist's Guide to Promoting Yourself and Your Work. We hope it gives you the tools and know-how to get your research heard, and the confidence to get out there and share your brilliance.

Views: 16943
Interviews with Scientists: Shivani Sachdev

Interviews with Scientists: Shivani Sachdev

Next in our interviews with scientists, we spoke to Shivani Sachdev, a PhD Student in the Connor Lab at the Macquarie University. Shivani is studying the pharmacology and toxicology of novel psychoactive substances.

Resources for Life Science PhD students

Resources for Life Science PhD students

One of the things we’re most passionate about is supporting early career life scientists.

As well as publishing our PhD guides here on the blog, speaking to brilliant PhDs for our ‘Interviews with Scientists’ series, and giving our community a platform via our guest blogs, we also have a whole host of resources to help and support you once you get going in the lab. Read on to find out about them...

The Importance of Science Communication

The Importance of Science Communication

Are you any good at communicating what you do? And why is communicating science so important? Our amazing guest blogger Dr. Chinmaya Sadangi shares his thoughts on why communicating about science, online and ‘out there’ in world, is vital, and how it can make a difference to your own research. Find out more...

Tips for Oral Presentations at Scientific Meetings and Conferences

Tips for Oral Presentations at Scientific Meetings and Conferences

Conference presentations may be daunting - but it is a skill that can be honed just like any other. Our expert guest blogger Nina Lichtenberg, has shared her advice on nailing that pitch perfect presentation.

Tips for Poster Presentations at Scientific Meetings and Conferences

Tips for Poster Presentations at Scientific Meetings and Conferences

Do you have a poster presentation looming? Read some top tips from our fantastic guest blogger Nina Lichtenberg, ideal for PhD students and post-docs looking to deliver that perfect poster!

Travel Award Winner Johannes Felsenberg

Travel Award Winner Johannes Felsenberg

Neuroscientist Johannes Felsenberg, working in Scott Waddell's lab at the University of Oxford, UK, is our August travel award winner. He is researching the neural circuit mechanisms underlying memory re-evaluation and the award will help to fund his trip to the 13th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society - find out more...