Product overview

Name PLX5622
Alternative names PLX5622

Highly selective, potent CSF-1R inhibitor. Widely used microglia-depletion agent.

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Biological Data

Biological description

Highly selective, brain penetrant, potent CSF-1R inhibitor (Ki = 5.9 nM). Allows specific and extended brain microglial elimination, preceding and during pathology development.

Solubility & Handling

Important This product is for RESEARCH USE ONLY and is not intended for therapeutic or diagnostic use. Not for human or veterinary use



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References for PLX5622

References are publications that support the biological activity of the product
  • Putting PLX5622 into perspective: microglia in central nervous system viral infection.

    Spiteri AG et al (2023) Neural regeneration research 18 : 1269-1270
  • Low-dose PLX5622 treatment prevents neuroinflammatory and neurocognitive sequelae after sepsis.

    Mein N et al (2023) Journal of neuroinflammation 20 : 289
  • Depletion of embryonic microglia using the CSF1R inhibitor PLX5622 has adverse sex-specific effects on mice, including accelerated weight gain, hyperactivity and anxiolytic-like behaviour.

    Rosin JM et al (2018) Brain, behavior, and immunity 73 : 682-697

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