Posts tagged 'women in STEM'

Interviews with Scientists: Dr Enitome Bafor

Interviews with Scientists: Dr Enitome Bafor

Dr Enitome Bafor is a postdoctoral research fellow at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and was the overall winner of our Lab Heroes Awards in 2018. We caught up with Enitome to find out how her career is progressing and what she is working on currently.

Views: 1360
10 Award-Winning Female Scientists You Should Know About

10 Award-Winning Female Scientists You Should Know About

In this blog we’ve highlighted ten incredible female scientists who have been recognised worldwide for their extraordinary achievements!

Parenting and a Science Career: Perspectives of a Mother in Academia

Parenting and a Science Career: Perspectives of a Mother in Academia

Is there ever a ‘good time’ to become a parent? Starting a family while pursuing a career in science can be a real balancing act, but with the right support, it doesn’t have to be impossible. Behavioural neuroscientist Dr. Justyna Hinchcliffe of the University of Bristol shares her advice, tips for funding and experiences of juggling parenthood whilst pursuing a career in academia...

Podcasts by Scientists: I Belong Here

Podcasts by Scientists: I Belong Here

In our next Podcasts by Scientists feature, we chat with Dr Noelia D Falcon, a senior research associate and creator of the ‘I Belong Here’ podcast, to find out how it came about...

International Women’s Day 2021: Celebrating Women In Life Science

International Women’s Day 2021: Celebrating Women In Life Science

It’s International Women’s Day on 8th March, and we’re taking the opportunity to say a big thank you to all of the incredible women in STEM who have contributed to our blog over the last year. Read their stories and check out some of their fantastic articles and blog pieces from the last 12 months...

Promoting Diversity In STEM Online

Promoting Diversity In STEM Online

How we can better promote diversity in STEM online? Mackenzie Lemieux and Rebecca Zhang discuss how they discovered the power of Wikipedia - how it can be used to increase the representation of women in STEM, and leave a lasting impact on current and future generations of STEM leaders.

A Plastic Brain and the Malleability of Bias: Using Neuroscience to Address Underrepresentation in STEM

A Plastic Brain and the Malleability of Bias: Using Neuroscience to Address Underrepresentation in STEM

Mackenzie Lemieux, from the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and founder of SAID in STEM, shares her thoughts and insights on how we can use neuroscience to address underrepresentation in STEM - find out about SAID, bias in STEM and what we can do about it, in this fascinating article...

Gender Bias From A Woman In Science

Gender Bias From A Woman In Science

We are delighted that neuroscientist Kay Tye, Professor at the Salk Institute, and former Associate Professor at MIT, has shared her thoughts, experience and knowledge with us. Read her fascinating, sometimes shocking and extremely thought-provoking article on gender bias in science...

Supporting Women in STEM: All You Need To Know About The 2019 Scientista Symposium

Supporting Women in STEM: All You Need To Know About The 2019 Scientista Symposium

Jackie Giovanniello is Symposium Director for the Scientista Foundation - here she talks about women in STEM, the important role of the Scientista Foundation, and the forthcoming Symposium...

Celebrating Women In Life Science on International Women’s Day

Celebrating Women In Life Science on International Women’s Day

It’s International Women’s Day on 8th March and to celebrate, we’ve looked back on conversations and interviews with our life scientist community to put together this roundup of inspiring women working in life science...

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