Posts tagged 'scientist interview'

Interviews with Scientists: Jose A. Morales-García

Interviews with Scientists: Jose A. Morales-García

Our inspiring Interviews with Scientists series is back! To mark Brain Awareness Week 2023 we were delighted to chat to Jose A. Morales-García about his neuroscience career and his hopes for the future of neuroscience research…

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2022 Highly Commended Nominees: Patricia Mariscal Ramírez

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2022 Highly Commended Nominees: Patricia Mariscal Ramírez

We’re delighted to introduce another of our Lab Heroes AwardsTM 2022 Highly Commended nominees! Patricia Mariscal Ramírez is a PhD student who told us more about life in the Berrocoso Lab at the University of Cádiz...

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2022 Highly Commended Nominees: Paradeisios Alexandros Boulakis

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2022 Highly Commended Nominees: Paradeisios Alexandros Boulakis

Introducing Paradeisios Alexandros Boulakis, another of our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2022 Highly Commended nominees! We chatted to Paradeisios about his career so far, the importance of safe and healthy working environments, and his advice for younger scientists just starting out.

Podcasts by Scientists: The Lonely Pipette

Podcasts by Scientists: The Lonely Pipette

In the next in our Podcasts by Scientists series, we’re shining the spotlight on The Lonely Pipette! We speak to hosts Renaud and Jonathan to find out more about their brilliant podcast which helps scientists ‘do better science’.

Interviews with Scientists: Kylie Heitman

Interviews with Scientists: Kylie Heitman

In the next in our Interviews with Scientists series we spoke with Kylie Heitman, a PhD student at the University of Alabama Birmingham, USA. We spoke to Kylie about her PhD research, her advice on applying for funding, and the lack of leadership roles for women in STEM…

Interviews with Scientists: Joanna Medina

Interviews with Scientists: Joanna Medina

Joanna Medina is the latest scientist to talk to us in our Interviews with Scientists series. Joanna is a PhD candidate in Behavioral Neuroscience at the University of Albany and it was a pleasure to find out more about Joanna's work, challenges, and career path to date...

Interviews with Scientists: Professor Frances Separovic

Interviews with Scientists: Professor Frances Separovic

Next in our interviews with scientists series, we were honored to speak to the eminent Professor Frances Separovic! Frances is a Biophysical Chemist based at the Bio21 Institute, University of Melbourne, Australia. Here she gives us a candid and fascinating interview about her journey in science.

Views: 16271
Interviews with Scientists: Jennifer Martin

Interviews with Scientists: Jennifer Martin

SUNY PhD student, and Hello Bio travel award winner Jennifer Martin has recently received the prestigious NIH Blueprint Diversity Specialized Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Advancement in Neuroscience (D-SPAN) Award. We caught up with her to hear more about it, and how her career has progressed...

Views: 11043
Interviews with Scientists: Heema Vyas

Interviews with Scientists: Heema Vyas

Heema Kumari Nilesh Vyas is a PhD student at the Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute, whose work focuses on understanding Group A Streptococcus (GAS) biofilms that may be present in cases of GAS pharyngitis that simply do not respond to antibiotic treatment. We spoke to Heema about her PhD, what gets her most excited about her field of research, intersectionality and diversity within STEM, and more...

Views: 18645