Posts tagged 'cancer research'

Interviews with Scientists: Mónica Vara Pérez

Interviews with Scientists: Mónica Vara Pérez

Mónica Vara Pérez is a postdoctoral researcher at the VIB-VUB Center for Inflammation Research in Belgium. We spoke to Mónica about her research into brain cancer, and her thoughts on equality in science…

Interviews with Scientists: Dr Enitome Bafor

Interviews with Scientists: Dr Enitome Bafor

Dr Enitome Bafor is a postdoctoral research fellow at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and was the overall winner of our Lab Heroes Awards in 2018. We caught up with Enitome to find out how her career is progressing and what she is working on currently.

Views: 1521
Interviews with Scientists: Emiliano Cocco

Interviews with Scientists: Emiliano Cocco

Dr. Emiliano Cocco is an Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Miami. We spoke to Emiliano about his current role, the lessons he has learned in his career so far, and the challenges of setting up his own lab.

Views: 1878
Interviews with Scientists: Leonardo Ferreira

Interviews with Scientists: Leonardo Ferreira

Leonardo Ferreira is an Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Immunology. He recently set up his own lab at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) and we were lucky enough to speak in detail with him about his current research and some of the important lessons he has learned in his career so far...

Interviews with Scientists: Adviti Naik

Interviews with Scientists: Adviti Naik

Adviti Naik is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Qatar Biomedical Research Institute. She specialises in breast cancer research, and was commended by our judges in the Lab Heroes Awards 2020. We were delighted to speak to Adviti in more detail about her current research, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on her work, her admiration for women in STEM, and lots more...

Interviews with Scientists: Dr Lahiru Gangoda

Interviews with Scientists: Dr Lahiru Gangoda

Cancer researcher Dr Lahiru Gangoda is working on improving treatment outcomes for melanoma patients at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, University of Melbourne, Australia. We spoke to Lahiru about her current research, the biggest lessons she’s learned in her career so far, and more...

Interviews with Scientists: Matthew Lloyd

Interviews with Scientists: Matthew Lloyd

In our latest Interviews with Scientists we're talking to Dr. Matthew Lloyd - he shared with us his research, his passion for both science and Taekwon-Do, his advice for scientists who are just starting out on their PhD journey, and more...

Interviews with Scientists: Martyn Webb

Interviews with Scientists: Martyn Webb

Next in our Interviews with Scientists series, meet Martyn Webb. Martyn is a PhD student at the University of East Anglia, working on developing a clinically implementable urine test for prostate cancer. We found out more about his fascinating work, and what challenges he has faced...

Interviews with Scientists: Kate Manley

Interviews with Scientists: Kate Manley

Next in Our Interviews with Scientists series, we have the great pleasure of talking to Kate Manley, an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow and Specialist Registrar in Urology, currently working in the Prostate Cancer Genetics Team at the University of East Anglia. She told us about her work, the challenges she faces, and her thoughts on working both as a clinican and a researcher...

Interviews with Scientists: Agnese Solari

Interviews with Scientists: Agnese Solari

Agnese Solari is a final year PhD student working on cancer stem cells in human primary brain tumors like glioblastoma and meningioma at the Pharmacology Lab of Professors Barbieri and Florio, in the Experimental Neuroscience Dept at the University of Genova.

We spoke to Agnese all about her work, her interests, and what a typical day in the lab looks like for her.

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