Scientist Interviews

Interviews with Scientists: Dr Emily Grossman

Interviews with Scientists: Dr Emily Grossman

This week was Children’s Book Week and we were delighted to chat with science communicator and author Dr Emily Grossman for our Interviews with Scientists series! She told us all about her passion for scicomm and why we must reject outdated stereotypes when engaging children with science…

Interviews with Scientists: Jose A. Morales-García

Interviews with Scientists: Jose A. Morales-García

Our inspiring Interviews with Scientists series is back! To mark Brain Awareness Week 2023 we were delighted to chat to Jose A. Morales-García about his neuroscience career and his hopes for the future of neuroscience research…

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2022 Highly Commended Nominees: Patricia Mariscal Ramírez

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2022 Highly Commended Nominees: Patricia Mariscal Ramírez

We’re delighted to introduce another of our Lab Heroes AwardsTM 2022 Highly Commended nominees! Patricia Mariscal Ramírez is a PhD student who told us more about life in the Berrocoso Lab at the University of Cádiz...

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2022 Highly Commended Nominees: Paradeisios Alexandros Boulakis

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2022 Highly Commended Nominees: Paradeisios Alexandros Boulakis

Introducing Paradeisios Alexandros Boulakis, another of our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2022 Highly Commended nominees! We chatted to Paradeisios about his career so far, the importance of safe and healthy working environments, and his advice for younger scientists just starting out.

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2022 Highly Commended Nominees: Uloma Beauty Elvis-Offiah

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards™ 2022 Highly Commended Nominees: Uloma Beauty Elvis-Offiah

Let’s meet another of our Lab Heroes AwardsTM 2022 Highly Commended nominees! We chatted to Uloma Beauty Elvis-Offiah of the University of Benin about her current research on gastrointestinal cancers, her female role models, and the importance of celebrating women in STEM!

Podcasts by Scientists: The Lonely Pipette

Podcasts by Scientists: The Lonely Pipette

In the next in our Podcasts by Scientists series, we’re shining the spotlight on The Lonely Pipette! We speak to hosts Renaud and Jonathan to find out more about their brilliant podcast which helps scientists ‘do better science’.

Podcasts by Scientists: The Struggling Scientists

Podcasts by Scientists: The Struggling Scientists

In the next in our Podcasts by Scientists series, we’re shining the spotlight on The Struggling Scientists! Find out all about the popular podcast that highlights the challenges faced by scientists today, and provides tips and tricks for PhD students…

Interviews with Scientists: Mohammed Alawami

Interviews with Scientists: Mohammed Alawami

In the next in our Interviews with Scientists series we spoke with Mohammed Alawami of Cambridge University! As founder of the ReachSci programme, he told us why inclusion matters in STEM and offers great advice for young researchers…

Interviews with Scientists: Kylie Heitman

Interviews with Scientists: Kylie Heitman

In the next in our Interviews with Scientists series we spoke with Kylie Heitman, a PhD student at the University of Alabama Birmingham, USA. We spoke to Kylie about her PhD research, her advice on applying for funding, and the lack of leadership roles for women in STEM…

Interviews with Scientists: Joanne Kamens

Interviews with Scientists: Joanne Kamens

In the next in our Interviews with Scientists series we spoke with Joanne Kamens, a Senior Consultant at The Impact Seat. She told us about her career so far, the importance of mentoring, and some of the problems still facing women in STEM today…