Articles by Sam Roome PhD

Travel Award Winner Ma'ayan Gadot

Travel Award Winner Ma'ayan Gadot

Our May travel award winner is PhD student Ma'ayan Gadot, working in Prof. Hamutal Slovin's Lab at Gonda brain research center, Bar-Ilan University, Israel. She investigates the neural mechanisms underlining depth perception and the award will help to fund her trip to SfN's 48th annual meeting.Find out more about Ma'ayan and her plans...

Review on Neural Stem Cells & Small Molecules

Review on Neural Stem Cells & Small Molecules

Check out our new mini-review on Neural Stem Cells & Small Molecules - it includes descriptions of the small molecules commonly used in neural stem cell research, and the signaling pathways that they target...

Interviews with Scientists: Lizzie Mann

Interviews with Scientists: Lizzie Mann

Lizzie Mann did her undergraduate degree in Pharmacology at the University of Bath, and is now working hard on finding a neuroprotective therapy for Parkinson’s disease in Susan Duty’s lab at King’s College London. She loves to talk about science and can often be found trying to get undergraduates, postgraduates and anyone else who will listen, excited about research.

Read more about Lizzie, her PhD, her passion for science, and more...

Views: 31317
Introducing Magnified: a science art exhibition

Introducing Magnified: a science art exhibition

We’ve blogged before about how much we love it when science inspires art, which is why we’re delighted to announce that Hello Bio will be sponsoring an unusual and exciting event across the globe in Australia.

Magnified: A Science Art Exhibition is being organised by the Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute (IHMRI), in association with the School of Arts, English and Media at the University of Wollongong, Australia. Find out more about this really fascinating exhibition...

De-stress With These Online Science Games

De-stress With These Online Science Games

If you’re in need of unwinding, try some of the ever-growing array of on-line science games – have fun and de-stress at the same time as helping your colleagues solve problems involving genes, proteins, and more…

Travel Award Winner Ayse Özge Sungur

Travel Award Winner Ayse Özge Sungur

Our April travel award winner is Ayse Özge Sungur, a researcher working in Professor Schwarting’s Lab at Philipps-University of Marburg in Germany. Ayse is attending an EBBS satellite meeting at FENS in Berlin...

The Big Life Scientist Survey: Here’s What You Told Us

The Big Life Scientist Survey: Here’s What You Told Us

The results of The Big Life Scientist Survey are in!

Thank you so much to all of you 222 life scientists from around the world who took the time to answer our questions and helped spread the word about the survey.

We asked the life sciences community a range of questions around funding, study replication, lifestyle, equal opportunities and diversity with some eye opening results...

Synaptic Plasticity Review

Synaptic Plasticity Review

Check out our new mini-review on synaptic plasticity - including types and mechanisms of short-term and long-term synaptic plasticity, plus pharmacological manipulation, useful tables, diagrams and more...

Interviews with Scientists: Rachelle Balez

Interviews with Scientists: Rachelle Balez

Rachelle Balez is a PhD student at the Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute, whose work focuses on understanding Alzheimer’s disease by generating brain cells from patient skin cells. She is passionate about equality in STEM and has recently returned from Antarctica with the Homeward Bound women in science leadership initiative. Read more about her fascinating work...

Interviews with Scientists: James Quinn

Interviews with Scientists: James Quinn

In our next Interviews with Scientists, meet James Quinn! James is a final year PhD student studying the proteolytic cleavage of tau in different types of dementia at the University of Manchester in The Hooper Lab.

Views: 34058