Articles by Sam Roome PhD

Meet Our Lab Heroes AwardsTM 2018 Runner-Up: Ettore Ambrosini

Meet Our Lab Heroes AwardsTM 2018 Runner-Up: Ettore Ambrosini

We were delighted to announce Ettore Ambrosini as one of our two Lab Heroes AwardsTM 2018 Runners-Up! Ettore is Assistant Professor (RTDb) in the Department of Neuroscience, at the University of Padova, in Italy and received some fabulous nominations from his colleagues We spoke to Ettore about how it felt to be named one of our runners-up, what he feels are the biggest challenges facing life scientists, the advice he’d give to scientists just starting out in their careers, and more.

Views: 15709
Travel Award Winner Rudolf Faust

Travel Award Winner Rudolf Faust

Our travel award winner Rudolf Faust is a researcher working in the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience. In this interview, he shares information on his research, and his thoughts on the challenges that life scientists face today...

Meet Our Lab Heroes AwardsTM 2018 Runner-Up: Elisabeth Paul

Meet Our Lab Heroes AwardsTM 2018 Runner-Up: Elisabeth Paul

We were thrilled to announce Elisabeth Paul as one of our two Lab Heroes AwardsTM 2018 Runners-Up. Elisabeth received glowing nominations from her colleagues at Linköping University, who told us why she made their lab a better place to be! Find out more about Elisabeth, her work, and how she feels about being nominated as a Lab Hero...

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards 2018 Winner: Dr Enitome Bafor

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards 2018 Winner: Dr Enitome Bafor

We were delighted to name Dr. Enitome Evi Bafor as our Lab Heroes AwardsTM Winner for 2018, following so many heartfelt and passionate nominations from her colleagues that praised her academic achievements, passion, and dedication to her research. Enitome told us how she felt about her win, and a little about her work and the challenges she faces.

Views: 12190
Interviews with Scientists: Natalie Guthrie

Interviews with Scientists: Natalie Guthrie

Next in our Interviews with Scientists series, we had the pleasure of speaking to Natalie Guthrie, a first year PhD student at the University of Wollongong, Australia, supervised by Dr Lezanne Ooi and Dr Claire Stevens.

Meet The Lab Heroes Awards 2018 Winners

Meet The Lab Heroes Awards 2018 Winners

We’re delighted to announce the winners of our Lab Heroes AwardsTM 2018!

Interviews with Scientists: Heema Vyas

Interviews with Scientists: Heema Vyas

Heema Kumari Nilesh Vyas is a PhD student at the Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute, whose work focuses on understanding Group A Streptococcus (GAS) biofilms that may be present in cases of GAS pharyngitis that simply do not respond to antibiotic treatment. We spoke to Heema about her PhD, what gets her most excited about her field of research, intersectionality and diversity within STEM, and more...

Views: 18647
Interviews with Scientists: Nina Lichtenberg

Interviews with Scientists: Nina Lichtenberg

Next in our Interviews with Scientists series, meet Nina Lichtenberg! Nina is working on wrapping up her PhD in the Psychology department at UCLA by studying the neural circuitry of memory retrieval and decision making.

Interviews with Scientists: Chris Hoyle

Interviews with Scientists: Chris Hoyle

Chris is a 3rd year PhD student at the University of Manchester. He is investigating the role and regulation of inflammation in the brain, particularly in diseases such as stroke and Alzheimer's.

We spoke to Chris about his PhD, his groundbreaking discovery about graphene that could have a major impact on healthcare in future, what this discovery means for the future of his research, and more.

Travel Award Winner Caitlin Burgdorf

Travel Award Winner Caitlin Burgdorf

Our October travel award winner is Caitlin Burgdorf is a researcher working at Weill Cornell. She is researching the effect of genetic variability in the endocannabinoid system on mesolimbic dopamine function and vulnerability to THC-seeking behavior in adolescent mice and will use the award to help fund her trip to the Winter Conference on Brain Research.We chatted to Caitlin to find out more about her research and the scientists that she most admires...

Views: 44122